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game stops drawing when in background question

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Well this might be good for the performance etc. but I think its hella annoying :x is there a way to enable drawing in background?

since I alt-tab the game alot and I use 2 screens so pt is left and forums right but all I see is like a pic of pt :/


Regards, Rkokie

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it's must be something in rPT's game.exe


it's not just yours

it happens to me too


but i think that the only way you can edit it is downloading olly, HEX or any other editor and change it (but you will need to find out which codes mean what)


and you might even get banned  :-\

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yeah but its done on purpose since its announced :/ so I'mma request answer from sandurr


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it's must be something in rPT's game.exe


it's not just yours

it happens to me too


but i think that the only way you can edit it is downloading olly, HEX or any other editor and change it (but you will need to find out which codes mean what)


and you might even get banned  :-\

It would be in vain since the game.exe has a custom header, so it can't be edited unless decrypted.

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Could make an option to turn on drawing in background..

That would be really good :)

When i tank for one of my other chars, id like to keep a watch on my hp.

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Could make an option to turn on drawing in background..

Me and alot people would like that I guess :D

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yeah, sometimes when someone hit me on msn, and the game stops to drawing, u might get lag depending of how much time u stay at another window, if u late more than 10 seconds, u'll be totally laggy and then probably u'll die, if ure xping xD.


will be really nice with that option.

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