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why my posts get deleted

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when i point out a moderator is spamming ::)

heh ye, i lol'd at that  :-X


he deleted your post, but not his spam post :x

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Guest TFSE

stfu guys. seriously.


i deleted Gogg's reply; there.


stop being children and arguing over this.


Gogg, it was childish of you to keep deleting their posts. As a moderator you should have known that your post was bordering spam and they have a right to point that out. You should've stayed unbiased. If youre already talking to the dealer then it should be fine if the post is gone.


Mama, Moon; it was childish of you two to keep provoking Gogg. He made a mistake, but for you to keep going then the fault lies with you two.



now stop your QQing.

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