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Vote: make Eternal Life work during Siege War?

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Eternal Life affects Siege War because it gives temporary godmode. It's a rare item only obtainable through vote points, but recently also temporarily massively through Easter Event. It seems abusive if a whole clan bulks them and uses it continously during sw. Tell us your opinion about it.

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It should not work during Siege War, to be fair with players that doesn't had the chance to play on events or stack up vote points.



And I want to make a suggestion: When a players uses Eternal Life / Athanasia, an icon (much like VL) should be displayed on top of the character. This is to differentiate when a character is indeed using a god mode item, or just plain cheating / lagging.

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No, it cant work in SW/BC  >:(

But sandurr, the best decision is input a cooldown for use it, like chat trade..(long cd)

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No, it cant work in SW/BC  >:(

But sandurr, the best decision is input a cooldown for use it, like chat trade..(long cd)


+1. A cooldown would be enought.

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Let it as it is now but dont allow the item to de dropped in events (like easter) or low the drop rate so it wont be massive quantity anymore


I read in site that there is 2 types of god mode 1 for PVE and another for PVP (eternal life and athanasia i guess) you can activate this feature (2 types of god mode ) and put both to drop in events (like easter) but making the PVP one very rare and hard to get in those events and let the PVE one drop rate as the eternal life drop rate is now.

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