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RPT best server ever

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I would like to congrats the good work of whole team, this server is amazing im a old player on ePT played for so many years and when bPT comes i changed server.


I can see that everything we needed from support of ePT and bPT we´re made by Sandur and his team, so many new features im very impressed how good they turn this game into.


Keep the good work, im glad to donate everytime i can afford.


Thanks all!

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Yeah i been around since the start of pristontale and this is by FAR the best server EVER so much better then all private servers and original! So many improvments and features compared to the rest nice to see such an old game still being so good, but there is alot of hard work behind it too, keep it up :D

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The sheer aumont of improvments, bug fix and new features that Wartale and his staff put on this game is outstanding.




I can't even know how there are players still playing on official servers. Logged on BPT yesterday, and the game takes forever to load, and doesn't have basic stuff like ingame options / volume control, yet, it still locked to 3 resolutions (800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024). Can't imagine how far behind they are from RPT.




There is a little thing to make RPT perfect.



I wish Wartale and his team take off the image of a private server. That means: Making lower level maps usefull somehow, like, decreasing the aumont of monsters, decreasing the exp rate, removing the 2job quest NPC, to give new players the nostalgic feel of leveling a character from the very beginning, from their old days of EPT / BPT.



Also, if reducing lower level maps, this exp lost should be retrieved back at higher levels, like, from MD1 and above.


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Best in some ways yeah every server has positives and negatives

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The sheer aumont of improvments, bug fix and new features that Wartale and his staff put on this game is outstanding.




I can't even know how there are players still playing on official servers. Logged on BPT yesterday, and the game takes forever to load, and doesn't have basic stuff like ingame options / volume control, yet, it still locked to 3 resolutions (800x600, 1024x768 and 1280x1024). Can't imagine how far behind they are from RPT.




There is a little thing to make RPT perfect.



I wish Wartale and his team take off the image of a private server. That means: Making lower level maps usefull somehow, like, decreasing the aumont of monsters, decreasing the exp rate, removing the 2job quest NPC, to give new players the nostalgic feel of leveling a character from the very beginning, from their old days of EPT / BPT.



Also, if reducing lower level maps, this exp lost should be retrieved back at higher levels, like, from MD1 and above.


I actually mentioned this in the suggestions before. Right now any low level maps are completely useless. No one goes there at all. When I used to play ePT years ago, the best moments were the low level maps.

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Thank you mcslug2 on behalf of the team, we're very happy to hear that.

We will always work on new features exclusively designed and coded by us, to make Wartale better every single day and unique as it currently is. No matter the effort and time it takes.  :D

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I will add my two cents here.


I totally agree.


I Played the official brazilian PT when the new server was released (midranda IIRC, my mage was called -Planta-). Stopped at 10x because of boredom (the exp was 1x, I took almost a year to turn 10x, paying for exp pots and a boatload of items).


Tried some privated servers in the past and 'meh'. Forgot about PT and went forward with my life.


Some weeks ago I meet a old friend on a pub, drinking some beers he told me he was playing Wartale and convinced me to install, told about new maps, new items (he played bPT too!). And here I am, playing on a private server and having more fun than I had on the official server. I 'bootcamped' my old macbook with win7 just to play it when i'm not at home. I can say I trust the Wartale staff more than the bPT staff. And I had contact with them personally.


I'm a bit short in money right now since I invested all I had on my business and the return isn't covering it's costs till now, but as soon things get better I will start to donate montly in a form to say thanks.


Best regards,




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