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About Double Crash

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I've been using Grand Cross since I started the game, but lately isn't good in hunting maps and Double Crash seems like a good skill for hunt because it has an critical boost + Holy Aura adds an Attack Rating bonus of 40% but I don't know.


I want to know which of these skills is better.

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There isn't a better one, both are usefull, and both have it's specific usage.



Double Crash: 90% Damage, 15% Critical, 40% Attack Rating with Holy Aura. However, the animation is slower than Grand Cross.


Grand Cross, 80% Damage, 80% Damage vs Undead, 80% Attack Rating. Considerably faster than Double Crash, and doesn't suffer from ATK Speed penalty from 1 Hand Weapons (Double Crash is even slower with 1 hand weapon in comparison to 2 hand sword)



When to use Double Crash? When you're able to hit wihout being defended with a constant basis. If, for example, out of 20 hits and you just missed 2 attacks, Double Crash may be the best option to use. However, if your hits misses often, it shouldn't be used.


When to use Grand Cross? Against undead, always. And, almost against everything. Grand Cross is garanteed to hit with a constant basis almost every monster.



In Ancient Weapon for example.


There are just 1 monster that I can use Double Crash, wich is Nihill. Out of 20 hits, I do miss about 4 hits. The others monsters, Double Crash, even with 40% ATR, it misses extremely often, meanwhile, Grand Cross, will hit always.






In PvP, it's just knowledge.


Against target with low defense, use Double Crash.


Against target with moderate and high defense, use Grand Cross.


Also, Double Crash in pvp is riskier since it is slower than Grand Cross, it's unsafe to use against Fighters, Archers and Atalantas (because they have insane attack speed).





If you're a low level Knight, stick with Grand Cross. Level up Double Crash when you have skill points left.





I do want to test Double Crash with claws, however, I think it shouldn't be that good.


The 134 claw doesn't have KS Spec, so, a +22 one, in comparison with 122+22 KS Sword.


141 - 168  vs 113 - 132 ATK POW

No spec vs ATK POW Lv/6

30% vs 27 + 6% Critical

394 vs 395 ATR

No Spec vs ATR  LV/1



The only thing that 134 claw exceeds against a 122 Sword, is the raw base damage.


Using a 150 Knight as example:


Sword have 150 more Attack Rating (because of Spec)

Sword have 25 more Max Atk Pow (because of Spec)

Sword have 25 more Min and Max Atk Pow (because of Knight using Sword)

Sword have X more min and Max ATk Pow (because of Sword Mastery)



I believe with the absence of KS spec, and it being a claw and not a sword, the Claw has even less final ATK POW than a 1 hand 122 Sword, on top of having less Critical and ATR.

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Thanks for reply.


I will continue using Grand Cross.

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Thanks for reply.


I will continue using Grand Cross.


If youre level 135+ and you're going to go PvP, it's worth to sacrifice Piercing/Brandish or Holy Valor/Holy Body in favor of Double Crash + Grand Cross.


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