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T5 Quest/Headgear Open?

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Sorry for the so repeated question, but I came back to the game yesterday.


I did some research and I thought T5 was not open yet.


However I saw in DS a Pike with the Tier 5 Headgear, so I got a bit confused.

Is the tier open to Pikes, or just the quest to get the headgear or was he just a low level tester?


I need an answer to know if I should level up SM in my Pike or not, thanks and sorry for the inconvinience  :D

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tier 5 not out yet, just some testers are able to have t5 headgear+ the skills

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tier 5 not out yet, just some testers are able to have t5 headgear+ the skills


There are no testers with Tier 5. No one has T5 except for those who are currently working on it (Wartale, Mercury.). ;)



What you saw was a pikeman with a different hairstyle that, if I'm not wrong, has the dark "bandana" thing with Tier 4. I saw that too. If no hairstyle has that dark "bandana" thing with T4, then it was just Wartale testing a newbie character with T5, don't worry.


Tier 5 is not out yet, as aydinerkan said. :)


If you guys see any "random" player with T5, it's just Wartale, don't worry.

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of course there's testers...

how come some ppl i know show me skills of pike and such ?

they aren't GM eghh

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Thanks guys ^^


But b4 I lock the topic... in this site there are pics of 10 hair styles. In the game however, I counted 18 (If memory serves me).

What about the other 8? Does someone have images of them? I wanna see it  ;D

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(...) some ppl i know show me skills of pike (...)

they aren't GM eghh


What are their nicknames?


If anyone showed you T5 skills, it was either Wartale or Mercury.

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tier 5 not out yet, just some testers are able to have t5 headgear+ the skills


There are no testers with Tier 5. No one has T5 except for those who are currently working on it (Wartale, Mercury.). ;)



What you saw was a pikeman with a different hairstyle that, if I'm not wrong, has the dark "bandana" thing with Tier 4. I saw that too. If no hairstyle has that dark "bandana" thing with T4, then it was just Wartale testing a newbie character with T5, don't worry.


Tier 5 is not out yet, as aydinerkan said. :)


If you guys see any "random" player with T5, it's just Wartale, don't worry.


I checked the Hair Styles, it was actualy 13 (10 custom + 3 inicial options): none of them has the dark bandana. I'm positive it was t5 becuz I remember now, it was the cap-pike hair style.


Meh, it must have been sandurr.


I was sad cuz when I asked him if he had t5, I got no response T.T


But still... why was Wartale leveling up in DS with tornados?





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*topic re-opened*


no only admins/gm can have tier 5


- there are a few testers (example: CYE. a list will be made later)


- some smart hackers have found a way to unlock tier 5.

do your part, report them in the forum's report section !


thank you.

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no only admins/gm can have tier 5


- there are a few testers (example: CYE. a list will be made later)


My mistake, then. :D


- some smart hackers have found a way to unlock tier 5.


I see.

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now have auto ban on tier 5 for normal user xDD


True, I thought I would be slick and test Tier5 out for myself but I was banned xD

Oh wells.. The anticipation was killing me, I only joined this server for T5 and we're still waiting!


FYI, the RankUP & Skills are in-game for any skeptics! However, certain classes are unpolished if you catch my drift!

SmilingGladHands <- Knight, I also gave Tier5 too, I'll do the right thing and report myself so an admin can block the acc!



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