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How to change Hellion setting?

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Hi , my Hellion skills is set for summoned hellions to looting , how can i change the setting so hellions can fight?




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Thanks  ;D, but i double clicked and nothing happens


Do you mean double clicking before leveling the skill?

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He means double click on the buff in the top left of your screen after you have summoned them - This toggles settings for pets (like mech/mage pet to go from Manual to Automatic)

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He means double click on the buff in the top left of your screen after you have summoned them - This toggles settings for pets (like mech/mage pet to go from Manual to Automatic)

You bumped a topic that is at least 1 year old, at least you answered their question haha

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Guess this section is sort of dead... Wasn't much of a bump, it was on the first page (like 10 threads down), so I didn't even think it was old:P

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