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Ice Meteorite vs Thunderstrom

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I dont know if I'm allowed to discussing about tier5 here or not but since tier5 coming soon I couldnt help it but to make this thread. ^^


Base on what we know from http://www.realmpt.com/skills/priestess/tier5

70% of my mind leaning to ice meteorite because it can hit limitless monsters. (something I always dream off and maybe the end of CL :P)

But I'm worry about ice element monsters resist and maybe it turn out useless.


30% goes for thunder strom from what I understand it seems to be a buff skill ? you casted TS and it auto attack monsters for time duration ?

It sounds really cool but expected it only limited up to 5 monsters at once and their formula is really weak (no base static dmg)


Making a note here : Divine Force should addd wp too xD

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reminder: the skill stats of tier 5 is not final, they will be balanced later.

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In my opinion, I prefer Ice Meteorite because it will help prs survive in some case (like we can use this for hunting map or frezze the enemies to help your clan in bc)

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if the skill doesnt change i would go thunderstorm first, heres why:



-Thunderstorm has 230 posible attacks, and if you are at a decent spawn, i would think all will happen


-according to the current formulas thunderstorms average dmg per hit, no matter the build on the prs is 40-50% higher then ice meteor's, and both have about the same min dmg


-if all thunderbolts hit the total dmg oupur to the mob could in theory hit well into the 5xx,xxx dmg (feel free to do this for yourself), for meteor to do this it would need each meteor to hit around 50 monsters, this was for both skills max dmg, and i dont think that there are ever 50 monsters at a spawn, but i do think there would be enough monster for thunderstorm to hit 5 of them per second for 46 seconds


-ice meteor needs to be constantly cast, where as while thunderstorm is going you could cast other spells(unless it works like regen field)


the only reson i wouldnt go thunderstorm first would be if it worked like regen field, and i might still even then,


for those who were wondering, the calculatiuons were done as a 130 prs, with the 120 staff perf +20, and 598 spirit(150Hp)

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if the skill doesnt change i would go thunderstorm first, heres why:



-Thunderstorm has 230 posible attacks, and if you are at a decent spawn, i would think all will happen


-according to the current formulas thunderstorms average dmg per hit, no matter the build on the prs is 40-50% higher then ice meteor's, and both have about the same min dmg


-if all thunderbolts hit the total dmg oupur to the mob could in theory hit well into the 5xx,xxx dmg (feel free to do this for yourself), for meteor to do this it would need each meteor to hit around 50 monsters, this was for both skills max dmg, and i dont think that there are ever 50 monsters at a spawn, but i do think there would be enough monster for thunderstorm to hit 5 of them per second for 46 seconds


-ice meteor needs to be constantly cast, where as while thunderstorm is going you could cast other spells(unless it works like regen field)


the only reson i wouldnt go thunderstorm first would be if it worked like regen field, and i might still even then,


for those who were wondering, the calculatiuons were done as a 130 prs, with the 120 staff perf +20, and 598 spirit(150Hp)


It was shown to have a timer in the progress of r5 topic, so it seems it will work like regen field [unless someone else has confirmation on how it will work]. That means you're probably vulnerable to hits while you can't move, so for soloing purposes at least, it won't have much use. Not to mention thunderstorm will take massive stm/mp so if you cancel after a few seconds you've wasted a good portion of your mp/stm for nothing. It would be way too powerful anyway to let us cast other skills while its active, thought I certainly wouldn't be complaining ;p.


I'd go for ice meteorite anyway. Freeze+ finally a real AoE [not limited by target bs] is just too good for me to pass up since CL is well, face it, crap.

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Thunderstorm works as Magnetic Sphere of mech.

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how you know it will work as magnetic sphere of mech ?

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how you know it will work as magnetic sphere of mech ?

Its just my guess according to the skill description. Let's imagine that thunderstorm works as a phoenix pet with lightning element but it makes more lightning. At level 10, when you summon a thunderstorm, it will appear right over your head during 46 seconds, every second it will hit 5 lightnings towards the targets within 182 area.

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if it's true, Prs gonna be super awesome then, but hope what you say is true tho

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I also hope ....

And with great anxiety.

Finally Sacer will be leaving only cure.

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250*(+Wp +Min Wand AP*2) - 275*(+Wp +Max Wand AP*4)


^ is it 250 times the sum of spirit plus twice the min wand AP?? Or am I reading it wrong?


say spirit = 300, min wand AP = 60 then


250*(420) = ???


I guess I'm reading this wrong??

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you are not mai but it seems error on the formulae and also it is not finalized yet sis :)

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I don't mind :D something that does 80k of dmg lolzzz

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