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Wartale or original PT?

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Hello people!


My name's Ruben and I used to play PT a veeeeery long time ago, picked it up again for nostalgia's sake!

But I need some answers tho... If you could be so kind to answer them:


Is Wartale more populated then the Original game? If yes which server should I choose or does Wartale only have one server?

And another question (last one) Are there any new players or will I be the only noob leveling from zero?


I felt very lonely in the Original game I just downloaded again, played on the bless_castle server, Ricarten was dead!! That used to be the place to be right?! Or is there a new Marketplace? :P


I hope someone can fill me in :)


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Is Wartale more populated then the Original game?

It is more popular than many of the pt Servers around the world.


If yes which server should I choose or does Wartale only have one server?

There is only one server, but 3 sub-servers.


And another question (last one) Are there any new players or will I be the only noob leveling from zero? >:(

Don't worry, the server is full of players, you won't be leveling alone.

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Thanks alot! And wow what a fast response! I'm so happy the game didn't die after all these years

Which sub server should I join tho? :o

I like it crowded  ::)

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Thanks alot! And wow what a fast response! I'm so happy the game didn't die after all these years

Which sub server should I join tho? :o

I like it crowded  ::)


Aphrodite = Main Server


Other 2 are like Alt servers with not alot of people

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welcome  realmpt nedd help pm demondark or metalelectron ;D

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Hello people!


My name's Ruben and I used to play PT a veeeeery long time ago, picked it up again for nostalgia's sake!

But I need some answers tho... If you could be so kind to answer them:


Is Wartale more populated then the Original game? If yes which server should I choose or does Wartale only have one server?

And another question (last one) Are there any new players or will I be the only noob leveling from zero?


I felt very lonely in the Original game I just downloaded again, played on the bless_castle server, Ricarten was dead!! That used to be the place to be right?! Or is there a new Marketplace? :P


I hope someone can fill me in :)

when you say the original PT, do you mean the ePT, bPT or kPT? (english, brazilian or korean?)


I prefer Wartale (i just come from bPT), because everytime the staff is working to make the best for the game, but in bPT for exemplo, it was much more players than rPT.


To say truth i want thatwtgrow as much as it can, the only thing is still missing is more active players. But lets go play Wartale :D

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Air Bourne
picked it up again for nostalgia's sake!


That's the reason why I started playing again and why a lot of us play. And btw Realm is honestly the best PT server in my opinion and even better than the original PT, matter of fact Wartale and the GMs here have done such a great job with the development that I consider this the real PT 2 that never truly happened. Much more advanced and expanded than the original PT you're used.


If you need any help in-game pm me, AirBourne is my nick. I'll be more to help ya. We also recruit English-speaking players so if you do plan on being active we can let you in and give ya boost !

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If you follow the quests... you level really fast and get to lvl80 in a few hours.  Use pet crystals... you can use up to ten at a time and they follow you through any single map, and kill for you up until 80 anyway.  You're basically partying with your pets until tier 5.  Once you get to teir5, the Zues personal shops sell the lower level items from lvl 90+, Aphrodite is more higher level stuff in personal shops.  Until lvl 100 you can buy your spec weapons in the NPCs but you're pretty set with your teir 3 weapon and teir 5 armor until you get to lvl 95 anyway.

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Hi NostalgistGamer,


Aphrodite has the most players online, because it's the main server where all events happen, such for Hell's Gate, Battle arena, and if you need to buy an item, there's alot of shops to look at in Ricarten. In case you wanna know what I'm talking about > http://www.realmpt.net/hellsgate

If you're bored and you wanna read some more about Wartale, I suggest you to check the Devlogs from 1-12 (the latest). http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?topic=139534.0

And you can also have a look at features exclusively designed by us which are currently in development. http://thronum.com/forum/index.php?board=188.0


Have fun and make new friends ^^

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picked it up again for nostalgia's sake!


That's the reason why I started playing again and why a lot of us play. And btw Realm is honestly the best PT server in my opinion and even better than the original PT, matter of fact Wartale and the GMs here have done such a great job with the development that I consider this the real PT 2 that never truly happened. Much more advanced and expanded than the original PT you're used.


If you need any help in-game pm me, AirBourne is my nick. I'll be more to help ya. We also recruit English-speaking players so if you do plan on being active we can let you in and give ya boost !


Pt 2 had already existed for 2 years but servers shut down. It was a great game but get boring after lvl 50!!

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Pt 2 had already existed for 2 years but servers shut down. It was a great game but get boring after lvl 50!!


pt2 exist until today, but today the official server is BR, but is global and all in english

I go there sometimes, or when the rpt enter in maintenance

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I was on the same boat.


High level mage in bPT (stopped in 2008, the server was sold and they wiped my mage), a friend told me about realmpt. Never looked back.


Edit: I logged on in bPT, ~12 players in ricarten.


Here we see at least 100 selling things.

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Sorry for my late response and thank you all for your fast ones :)

Really glad I'm not the only one still so excited about this game.

+1 for the admins who are keeping this game up to date! Really great job :)

I did play already (quite alot :x) Made a knight that's level 96 now, ingame name Vocem, if anyone around the same lvl (maybe with a new char) Wants to team up I'd like that!


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picked it up again for nostalgia's sake!



If you need any help in-game pm me, AirBourne is my nick. I'll be more to help ya. We also recruit English-speaking players so if you do plan on being active we can let you in and give ya boost !


Thanks man! I'll give you a pm, I'm in a BR clan atm and they're very helpful but only 1 guy speaks english to me lol..

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