BabaYaga 0 Report post Posted June 12, 2016 GM i just back to play this Priston have some weeks and i'm here to give the consgratulations. I played RenaissancePT like in 2007-2008 and when it changed to uPT i went to the oficial pr*iston, stopped there in 2014 and at the time i'm back in Wartale's pris*ton again. Everything in the game is amazing, all the details of the game is amazing, and i'm here to ask you to keep the drops like it is now, low drops, it values the server and the itens, and keep playings coming because of the stability of the economy ingame and the stability of the server. REALLY MY CONGRATULATIONS, SORRY MY BAD ENGLISH AND KEEP DOING WHAT YOU ARE DOING, KEEPING THE DROPS RATE LOW AND KEEPING THE STABILITY OF THE SERVER. CONSGRATULATIONSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Immortal 40 Report post Posted June 12, 2016 rpt is the shit indeed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites