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questions about upgrading item to next level item in coin shop

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Hi guys, im still new to this game. As the title says,

1. Does it have lvl restriction of item (ex. only items above lvl100?)

2. Can i upgrade aged item to next level? i tried to upgrade justice sword +7 to next level but it said it cannot be upgraded at this time. The sword is perfect though.

3. Does it have limit up to how many times the item can be upgrade or perfectize?


Your answer is of great help. Thanks.


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thank you sir. I hope rpt staff could help give clear answer for question 1 and 3.

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Hi AlexaRade,


1 - Yes, only items above level 100 can be upgraded to the next level item, but you can perfectize any item, doesn't matter the level.


2 - For some reason the Justice Sword is not working to upgrade it to the nevel. Tested it out with a perfect Justice Sword +7 knight spec. Might be a bug.


3 - No limit. Although, if you perfectize the item once, you won't need to perfectize it again, since it's going to be perfect already.

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Thank you sir Wartale. I hope the bug will be resolve soon as I will be upgrading the sword to next level 110.

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You can upgrade the Justice Sword in coin shop now, we fixed the bug :)

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Thank you sir Wartale. I will upgrade the sword once im lvl 110.

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You're welcome, let me know if you have any other questions! ^^

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Hi Sir Wartale, I tried upgrading the same sword last night, but still the problem is still there. It says "it cannot be upgraded at this time". It was in Zeus and the sword is +8 already. Please check. Thanks.

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I believe so. As Sir Wartale said that only lvl 100 and above items can be upgraded to next level and perfectized

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Hi AlexaRade,


The bug has been fixed, however you have to wait for the game to be patched, sorry ^^

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Hi Sir Wartale, when would be the next patch which includes the fixing of this bug? Thank you.

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Next patch will be a huge patch, so I suppose I can do that for you in-game instead.

Get the coins in your account and let me know the ID and I'll swap for you :)

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Thank you sir Wartale. Might as well wait for patch because I'm still in vacation right now. Also, I believe I used almost all my coins in my account. I will pm you once I'm ready for the upgrading. Thank you.

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