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How do they work?

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I wanna know how Absob (abs), defense (def) and atk rating (AR) work. I think it is like this:


Char 1: AR=1200 def=900 abs=100

Char 2: AR=1000 def=1700 abs=150


>>>>>>> Char 1 attacks Char 2 <<<<<<<

Char 1 has 1200/1700*100%~=71% of chance of hitting Char 2.

And the damage will be: Char 1´s Atk Power - 100, or (Char 1´s Atk Power)*1,70 - 100 (critical).


>>>>>>> Char 2 attacks Char 1 <<<<<<<

Char 2 has 1000/900*100%~=111%->95% of chance of hitting Char 1. I read in somewhere there is a max. limit (95%).

And the damage will be: Char 2´s Atk Power - 150, or (Char 2´s Atk Power)*1,70 - 150 (critical).


is it wrong?  ::)













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I think sandurr had made a topic about the actual calculations when he modified them back on old rpt-> upt now though its been a while. Maybe he will post them in this discussion if he is not too busy. so till then  :-X


also I am sure the calculations have been played with and changed since then so a update is nice i have often thought about how to use atr, to calculate a hitrate, say vs monsters and or other players ???

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thanks, DrRightousness. I found the topic:




So, my formula was wrong, the correct is:


chance to defend (%) = ((Char 2´s Def - Char 1´s Atk Power) / Char 2´s Def) * 100.


Does anyone know if this formula is working now? I ask this, because in the same maintenance there is a change, "...Make Maximize stackable with Grand Smash...", that is not working yet (http://www.realmpt.com/forum/index.php?topic=12176.0).





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