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Xper didnt made that he promissed, so...

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Well, ive got a xper do make my prs lvl 124 10%, he said he would finish it in 4 days, but 3 days already have been passed and he didnt even log in to make the xp of my prs. So i changed password, and canceled the deal.

Since now we dont get support from those things, i had to do something to keep my prs safe.


And i want to tell to u all xpers, when u do a deal with someone, proud what u say, cause u will get a bad famous, and no one will deal with u.


I made this topic, just to clear to everyone what happend.



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You know i can answer that, actually renz your xper cannot play for 2 - 3 days since they are experiencing super typhoon juan in there place.

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Since now we dont get support from those things


there never was any support for exp service or sharing, and never will.

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You know i can answer that, actually renz your xper cannot play for 2 - 3 days since they are experiencing super typhoon juan in there place.

Yeh he told me that too.


Not that I have anything to say about this but maybe you could give him some extra time since he does it for about 1/3 of the normal price?

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The poor guy is fighting for his life. You would know that if you simply watched the news instead of being in front of your computer 24/7.


There's a world out there, you know.

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The poor guy is fighting for his life. You would know that if you simply watched the news instead of being in front of your computer 24/7.


There's a world out there, you know.


be more understanding n understand their situation pls ^^

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Guest TFSE

All users should be extremely careful when doing any account related transactions.


In this case, however, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I hope that exper will be ok and I'm sure once the typhoon is over and if he is still alive with internet, your prs will be exp-ed.


If you wish to discuss the risks of account transactions and ways to avoid being scammed please do so with another discussion topic.

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