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sandy plz look

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Valento, Kelvezu, Dark Guardian and Mokovian drops are private,[glow=red,2,300] but drop to the 3 most damage dealers[/glow], like Babel.



as i read this, this mean top 3 damage dealer get drops, then wat the point for hunting them, its only for high lvl dmg


think of mage / prs, they cant out damage melees. so how can they get good drops and even be able to fight a boss for vring dgs etc etc when we cant even do top 3 dmg

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I fully agree with randy, since im a priess myself ... my only hope was to loot but now ive got no chance for that even

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Totally agree. Its a boss, and thus everyone who helped should be able to get a share

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If ur not at the top 3 damagers it means you got to level up more, like the 3 top damagers did. seriously people, stop whining like in the other topic about the level reqs. people who have invested the most time in this game should obviously be on top.

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Valento, Kelvezu, Dark Guardian and Mokovian drops are private,[glow=red,2,300] but drop to the 3 most damage dealers[/glow], like Babel.



as i read this, this mean top 3 damage dealer get drops, then wat the point for hunting them, its only for high lvl dmg


think of mage / prs, they cant out damage melees. so how can they get good drops and even be able to fight a boss for vring dgs etc etc when we cant even do top 3 dmg



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If ur not at the top 3 damagers it means you got to level up more, like the 3 top damagers did. seriously people, stop whining like in the other topic about the level reqs. people who have invested the most time in this game should obviously be on top.

uhm , you don't even know what your saying

Im level 106 already and even if i was 110 Im still a priesss and-

even a level 100 ks/fs/mech  could do EASILY much more damage than me.. so yea im whinning caus its not fair at all



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and what if you went base hp and put it in spirit?

Prs is only class which cant increase 1vs1 dmg with any attribute

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It wont help much. wont change the fact that ill have 1% out of 99% to ever see any drops

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I'm sure sandurr will balance the skills at some point to get it more even

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If ur not at the top 3 damagers it means you got to level up more, like the 3 top damagers did. seriously people, stop whining like in the other topic about the level reqs. people who have invested the most time in this game should obviously be on top.

Wow, you are really self-centered. How about you try making a mage or a prs, and go hunt for val then. Its easy to say stuff like that when you are a pike

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What the hell does have to with getting shit easy?

So what you are saying is that i have to make a new char and lvl it to 100+ just to hunt val? And i shouldnt get the chance to do that now because im a mage?

Even if i was a lvl 140 mage i wouldnt be able to compete with a lvl 10x knight or fighter.


Obviously there is a problem with the rats just waiting around for it to die. But imo you should be able to see drops if you did around 5% damage to it.

On another note. Work for it? When is donating any work?

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Obviously there is a problem with the rats just waiting around for it to die. But imo you should be able to see drops if you did around 5% damage to it.

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I believe that no matter which class you choose, all players and classes must have a chance at hunting, exping, pvping, and all that stuff  ;)


But let's see what ADM says and do about it.


cYa :)

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So, how do you know that?

Its like you are sitting on your throne, everyone is beneath you and thus whining bitching people who can do shit.

And you are talking about loot as if there should be a rule against it. How about ksing then? See, when people whine about ks, they just have to deal with it (which they do) but looting is such a big diffrence, right..


I cry about it, cuz im a mage. I never got a drop from val because im just not that good. But i certainly wouldnt just go looting.


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lol so i think prs need to give back


prs cant get drop now........


so all prs....dont played whit maleee any more.... dont lvled them.... muhahahahah


i joke....but true...make it 1 person pravite.....

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sandurr works hard on the server and i dont know why u dont accept it how he do this.


he know what he do and some ppl of you want it easy and more easy and so on.

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Valento, Kelvezu, Dark Guardian and Mokovian drops are private,[glow=red,2,300] but drop to the 3 most damage dealers[/glow], like Babel.



as i read this, this mean top 3 damage dealer get drops, then wat the point for hunting them, its only for high lvl dmg


think of mage / prs, they cant out damage melees. so how can they get good drops and even be able to fight a boss for vring dgs etc etc when we cant even do top 3 dmg




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All of you guys are correct but dont blame sandur for doing this because he can never fully please all of u guys. Its true public drops are gay because alot of looters just go to afk and hit. and its true that private drops are gay because it favors melees / donators. But it is not sandurs fault for u choosing mage / prs because they lvl like 100x faster then melees. Melees might win in looting but mages / prs wins in 100x faster exp. hope u guys dont hate me for this but i am just stating the truth ( tier 5 is coming so everyone will do good enough dmg)

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Valento, Kelvezu, Dark Guardian and Mokovian drops are private,[glow=red,2,300] but drop to the 3 most damage dealers[/glow], like Babel.



as i read this, this mean top 3 damage dealer get drops, then wat the point for hunting them, its only for high lvl dmg


think of mage / prs, they cant out damage melees. so how can they get good drops and even be able to fight a boss for vring dgs etc etc when we cant even do top 3 dmg


I agree is so hard to pris/mg hunt =x

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sorry for those prs and mgs out there,

but since you had made your choice for it and there must be a really good reason why you have choose them as ur main char.


if you like hunting you wouldn't have choose those char.


btw, if every classes can be very good in everything (eg. pvp, xp, hunting, tank) then we wouldnt need so many classes. just one class is enough. 


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