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sandy plz look

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Valento, Kelvezu, Dark Guardian and Mokovian drops are private,[glow=red,2,300] but drop to the 3 most damage dealers[/glow], like Babel.



as i read this, this mean top 3 damage dealer get drops, then wat the point for hunting them, its only for high lvl dmg


think of mage / prs, they cant out damage melees. so how can they get good drops and even be able to fight a boss for vring dgs etc etc when we cant even do top 3 dmg


Normally, id agree. But for the past 2-3 days of hunting Valento... All i've seen is you guys default attacking and going afk. Once completetion runs out or the figons xtals die everyone dies because they are AFK. Thats just retarded and unfair for me doing all the hard work, staying alert while everyone else stands around and wait for valento to die. So good one sandurr!

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I have an idea


Now we have 2 opinions:


1) ppl like Private Drop. Most of them are the chars who can cause high damage

2) ppl like Public Drop. Most of them are the chars who cannot cause high damage


So I suggest Private drop for 3 damage dealer and 1 or 2 Tankers who will get hit by Valento mostly (They will be Valento's sandbag ;D)


With this, everyone work hard to kill boss will have a chance to get drop even when you are not a high damage character and it may stop the figon using abuse. ( At my opinion, using figon is similar to bugging him by Mech or Mage)


PS: Of course I know my opinion cannot make everyone pleasant but it's just my though and hope we will find the fairest way for everyone in Val hunting. I like word hard-get gifts instead of getting gifts without doing anything

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All of you guys are correct but dont blame sandur for doing this because he can never fully please all of u guys. Its true public drops are gay because alot of looters just go to afk and hit. and its true that private drops are gay because it favors melees / donators. But it is not sandurs fault for u choosing mage / prs because they lvl like 100x faster then melees. Melees might win in looting but mages / prs wins in 100x faster exp. hope u guys dont hate me for this but i am just stating the truth ( tier 5 is coming so everyone will do good enough dmg)



I have an idea


Now we have 2 opinions:


1) ppl like Private Drop. Most of them are the chars who can cause high damage

2) ppl like Public Drop. Most of them are the chars who cannot cause high damage


So I suggest Private drop for 3 damage dealer and 1 or 2 Tankers who will get hit by Valento mostly (They will be Valento's sandbag ;D)

Even more agreed. But imo everyone should still have atleast a chance. So Drops should/could be given to the 2 top tankers, and the ones who deal more than 10-15% damage.  That way you atleast have a change?


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When you choose a char, it s supose to have fun with that and enjoy whole game, as PvP, leveling, fashion (yeah, a lot of people), hunt, anything.......but we know that Priston Tale is not this kind of game, just some class can do what i said, without hypocrisis......


So if Wartale have the chance do balance this situation, that s what he suposed to do, and he s working on that (i hope so)....but always someone insist to do not the balance because they re selfish (specially fighters and pikemans...obviously).../fact


If u dont like the server, just stop to play it.....and if the balance do not happens, a lot of people should stop because the 'balance' is the reason to play in this server.




PS: sry for my bad english!

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I have an idea


Now we have 2 opinions:


1) ppl like Private Drop. Most of them are the chars who can cause high damage

2) ppl like Public Drop. Most of them are the chars who cannot cause high damage


So I suggest Private drop for 3 damage dealer and 1 or 2 Tankers who will get hit by Valento mostly (They will be Valento's sandbag ;D)


With this, everyone work hard to kill boss will have a chance to get drop even when you are not a high damage character and it may stop the figon using abuse. ( At my opinion, using figon is similar to bugging him by Mech or Mage)


PS: Of course I know my opinion cannot make everyone pleasant but it's just my though and hope we will find the fairest way for everyone in Val hunting. I like word hard-get gifts instead of getting gifts without doing anything


i know you are trying to make the game more fair, but the part your are saying is quite hard to code it, but i dont know if sandurr could code it that way.

IMO, to make it fair and easier, we take pt as focus, so ppl must make pt to kill boss, which pt did most damage see the drop.

this is a mmorpg, if everything could be solo, you better play ofline rpg

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for me top 3 dmg dealers is good but FIX FORMULA please u will see difrent on hunt then

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jo i agree whit you guys even if i am not a prs or mgs but let sandurr fix the next patch and t5 lets just wait what he can do for this problem:)

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There's no issue! If you play a class that isn't damage dealer, you play it obviously for some other reason; to support or to mass kill better.



God damn people, get a damn grip, if you wanna be good, WORK FOR IT!


youve got a good point there,  I chose priess caus I wanna level up fast , but on this server FS can level up WAY easily too with that circle skill or whatever it names is , but FS also has way much more dammage and stuff . so yea I still think its kinda unfair and it should be like before, public drop to all.

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I dont even play much anymore , but yeah - I think this is unfair to mage + pri.




It doesnt matter if WE WORK HARD to lvl, buy the BEST weapon, age or mix the highest , MAX our spirit - THERE IS NOTHING we can do to outbeat melles' dam.


If bosses are open for the public, why would the drops be private anyways????


This PT is already strange because all the perf items can't be hunt in the game, but have to donate. Adding on to favor melle over mage/pri is just another reason to cut off more players. I can't think of a reason why Wartale has to favor melle or eliminating the chance of a per items to be drop. True, you need donation to keep this game running -but if donating = high lvl, good items , then this game is just bull.


It has NOTHING to do with WORKING HARD, its all about the $$$ you can offer. And of course, some of the highest lvl right now are clueless about other issues.... Don't take side when you have never play a mage or pri. Because you obviously don't know what you're talking about ...


If a melle doesn't have pri's VL- would a melle have the chance to kill as fast or tank as well?


Every class has a pro and con. And we should work together to get the best out of each class. But favoring certain classes over the others will lead gamers to choose certain class over the other which leads to the unbalance of the game. Certain Items sp will cost more, while the others are worthless. If Real is all about BALANCE, then Wartale SHOULDN'T create another issue which may lead to another type of unbalance in the game...


Previous owner of Alive!



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I dont even play much anymore , but yeah - I think this is unfair to mage + pri.




It doesnt matter if WE WORK HARD to lvl, buy the BEST weapon, age or mix the highest , MAX our spirit - THERE IS NOTHING we can do to outbeat melles' dam.


If bosses are open for the public, why would the drops be private anyways????


This PT is already strange because all the perf items can't be hunt in the game, but have to donate. Adding on to favor melle over mage/pri is just another reason to cut off more players. I can't think of a reason why Wartale has to favor melle or eliminating the chance of a per items to be drop. True, you need donation to keep this game running -but if donating = high lvl, good items , then this game is just bull.


It has NOTHING to do with WORKING HARD, its all about the $$$ you can offer. And of course, some of the highest lvl right now are clueless about other issues.... Don't take side when you have never play a mage or pri. Because you obviously don't know what you're talking about ...


If a melle doesn't have pri's VL- would a melle have the chance to kill as fast or tank as well?


Every class has a pro and con. And we should work together to get the best out of each class. But favoring certain classes over the others will lead gamers to choose certain class over the other which leads to the unbalance of the game. Certain Items sp will cost more, while the others are worthless. If Real is all about BALANCE, then Wartale SHOULDN'T create another issue which may lead to another type of unbalance in the game...


Previous owner of Alive!



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VL your friends or disto the boss -> get loot from friends.


If you have no friends, I dont care.

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id say stay public drops if no have better ideas


only top3 damage dealer is unfair to prs mgs mech tankers


and maybe several month later, 3high lvl good equips guys will simply monopolize The-Valento-Hunting...


newbies will never had a chance to have 1 v-ring



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whatever things to be done FOR PUBLIC its will always unfair!


for me, Private drop is the best...

u know wat?

when the things goes private drop, everyone WORK HARD to kill... then when boss die, only will know the answer who get drops... no matter u are noobie or high lvl char, its random drop to who IS LUCK! this is the perfect hunting ideal...

this call LUCK but not looting luck...

this call WORK HARD but not kill and get looted or w8ing ppl kill and loot...

this call every1 can get "A" chance to get drop...


i still like the old EPT rule for boss (which made by pt player they own)

- 1st hit boss take the boss but if u die, next person kill for it...

mean if u do not prepare urself to hunt the boss... pls get lost... not jz u wan the boss but others oso wan...


my point is jz make ALL BOSS to be PRIVATE DROPS

thus every1 will shut up and prepare themselves (leet gears) to hunt the boss...

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whatever things to be done FOR PUBLIC its will always unfair!


for me, Private drop is the best...

u know wat?

when the things goes private drop, everyone WORK HARD to kill... then when boss die, only will know the answer who get drops... no matter u are noobie or high lvl char, its random drop to who IS LUCK! this is the perfect hunting ideal...

this call LUCK but not looting luck...

this call WORK HARD but not kill and get looted or w8ing ppl kill and loot...

this call every1 can get "A" chance to get drop...


i still like the old EPT rule for boss (which made by pt player they own)

- 1st hit boss take the boss but if u die, next person kill for it...

mean if u do not prepare urself to hunt the boss... pls get lost... not jz u wan the boss but others oso wan...


my point is jz make ALL BOSS to be PRIVATE DROPS

thus every1 will shut up and prepare themselves (leet gears) to hunt the boss...

and im sure, when u r fighting the boss, u will ask all the time for VL to the prist, and u talk about fair or unfair things (selfish)


if drops will be private, then the whole server should say bye to the priestes and mages, and the server will be crowded of melee chars.

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What about


'Top 3 dmg'

'Top 3 dmg taken'


and everyone in the party of those people see the drops aswell (thus any support priestesses or magicians if they are in the same party)

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that will be kinda good But wat happen if they dont wanna party, wat happen if we help then they leave lolx and at monster event would even be worster and crappier


better to have just public

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these guys who support private drop just wan monopolize The-Valento-Hunting... (ofc they are melee)

thats it~


i wont reply farther~

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that will be kinda good But wat happen if they dont wanna party, wat happen if we help then they leave lolx and at monster event would even be worster and crappier


better to have just public


You might as well just ask for free handouts... complaining about everything.

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yeaaah make it loot able for evryone, you also get the problem with monster events those drops should be for evry1 to pick up xD

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that will be kinda good But wat happen if they dont wanna party, wat happen if we help then they leave lolx and at monster event would even be worster and crappier


better to have just public


I completely agree !!!


Some players are  ::) like that. They pt you - then when it almost end - they KICK you !!!!


It happened ! Better just leave it public. What is the POINT of you making it private Wartale? Really - WHAT is the PURPOSE????  :o


So gamers who is already high lvl - good items = lots of golds can have even better items and even more gold????  Along with monopolize the val-rings? ???


You're a very good, extremely good at programing. But perhaps, need some help in other areas.


Previous owner of Alive  ::)



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With this kind of system you actually have to do something to get the drops instead of just standing there, idle untill hp is at 2%.

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If ur not at the top 3 damagers it means you got to level up more, like the 3 top damagers did. seriously people, stop whining like in the other topic about the level reqs. people who have invested the most time in this game should obviously be on top.

uhm , you don't even know what your saying

Im level 106 already and even if i was 110 Im still a priesss and-

even a level 100 ks/fs/mech  could do EASILY much more damage than me.. so yea im whinning caus its not fair at all


lol, ur a pris...u wanna tank, give vl, own undeads and still kill D: ?

dont u think thats kinda too much for one char?

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With this kind of system you actually have to do something to get the drops instead of just standing there, idle untill hp is at 2%.



if u think that pris isnt that good for killing boss, just create one pike or one fighter and be happy ^^

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With this kind of system you actually have to do something to get the drops instead of just standing there, idle untill hp is at 2%.



if u think that pris isnt that good for killing boss, just create one pike or one fighter and be happy ^^

I wanna see you saying that after you got 107 prs soon 108

it's not that easy to start a char now all over again.

and we created the prs mgs w/e knowing that val or anyone else drops are public

we can't know when gm's change their mind next time and make new sudden changes can we

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