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Evade and Block ?

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I still confuse about the Evasion and Block, can someone make it clear for me ?

what is the formula between them ? I looked at the Game Formulas on the website but there is no information about them.


If i have 30% block and 20% evade, shall I have 50% chance to avoid an attack from mob ?


Thank you very much.  :)

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If my thoughts are correct

First you'll have 30% of chances of blocking. If it doesn't block, you'll have 20% of chances of evading.

If none of these work, you'll receive the damage.

If I'm wrong could someone correct me? Thanks

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i don´t know how they work, but i can tell u that have an extra.... DEFENSE..


than we have, defense, block and evade

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If it similar to other games it will be something like that:


(Stats: 30% block; 20% evade; 3300 def; 185 abs)


- Mob hit you and would deal around 700 damage

- 30% chance to block the damage(all), if you fail to block ...

- 20% chance to evade the damage(all), if fail to evade ...

- the mob need to pass your 3300 def, if the mob fail you receive no damage, ...

- but if the mob finally able to hit you, ...

- your absorb takes 185 of 700 damage, ...

- at least you suffer 515 damage

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i think i disagree. think the 1st thing you would do would be evade, why block if u can evade so my thought is


evade, block, defense, abs->hp


oir the evade and block could be stacked, not quite sure

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i think i disagree. think the 1st thing you would do would be evade, why block if u can evade so my thought is


evade, block, defense, abs->hp


oir the evade and block could be stacked, not quite sure



Does it matter at all witch comes first?

Since its one OR another, u can sum the chances (30% block + 20% evade = 50% of avoiding chances!)

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i think i disagree. think the 1st thing you would do would be evade, why block if u can evade so my thought is


evade, block, defense, abs->hp


oir the evade and block could be stacked, not quite sure



Does it matter at all witch comes first?

Since its one OR another, u can sum the chances (30% block + 20% evade = 50% of avoiding chances!)


sorry but wrong math :)


30% block = 70% of not block


then the 20% evade is 20% of those 70%


understand ?

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I only see "Defense" and "Block" though. Is "Evade" stated on the bottom of the screen when i actually evade? I am actually under the impression that Defense is actually "Evade", but i might be wrong.

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I only see "Defense" and "Block" though. Is "Evade" stated on the bottom of the screen when i actually evade? I am actually under the impression that Defense is actually "Evade", but i might be wrong.


Only a few characters have skills that give you evasion rate (pikemans, for example, have Vague).

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We've got a clear answer. Topic should be closed here. Thank y'all  ;D

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