veronica 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 We have number and Fnum to change skill in right slot, how about left slot? I suggest we should have hotkey (Tab or '~' key)to switch skill at left slot (so right slot can change to any skill, left slot can only switch between 2 skills). This make sense bcz most of the time people just use 2 skills at any situation In BC: K9 (grandcross / double crash), As (phoenix shot / perfortation) (BC) or (bomb shot / avalanche) (hunt), fs (avening crash / bone crash), mage (death ray + stone spike), pris (Ice meteorite / virgo ball) ..... Then, if we set attack skill at left slot, switch hotkey will let us handle situation easier and more convenient. We may set switch skill by using (ctrl +tab + left click on the skill). Only 2 skill can be set at the same time, this 2 skills will be the two you can switch at left slot. If you set more than 2, the most first skill you set (in switch mode) will be remove. ++ Some update after discussion: + You can switch betweens more than 2 skills. + You set your switch skill by press "~" + left click on the skill. + Depend on the order you set, this will determine the order of the switch cycle: For example : If I press "~" + left click on skill panel by order: Virgo ball + Ice meteorite + holy mind => my switch cycle will be like this: VB => IM => Holy mind => back to VB => ...... With this setting you may save a lot hotkeys to set skill, so now I can can use F1 => F5 for other buff skills such as vl , devine force, extinction .... This really helpfull (especially in darkness, and your keyboard dont have led) If you set skill at so far F5 => F9, you easy to make mistake when choose skill. This way also let you switch or 1 skill at both left slot and right slot, for exp: you can use Ice meteorite (pris) at left slot in hunt mode or at right slot (in auto click - exp mode). a Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kniteforce 0 Report post Posted July 10, 2016 The hotkeys (F1-F8, 4-7) can apply to both the right and left slot. example: F1 can be bound to change the left slot to Phoenix Shot, while F2 can be bound to change the right slot to Perforation Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
veronica 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 The hotkeys (F1-F8, 4-7) can apply to both the right and left slot. example: F1 can be bound to change the left slot to Phoenix Shot, while F2 can be bound to change the right slot to Perforation May be you dont have enough experience playing some chars here, the good way in PvP or PvE is put non-delay battle skill at left slot and right slot use for delay skill (destroyer, split jav, extinction), buff skills , debuff skills (holy mind, soul sucker, stun arrow, distortion ...). This way you are not only freely spam non-delay skills but also keep track about delay skills and do/cast it in time. Give an exp: Priest when fighting undead: She should change between Virgo ball (if only 1 undead) or Ice meteorite (for 2 or more), she also need to cast extinction as soon as its delay end to kill undead more faster. In normal system: the left slot you can put only 1 skill (exp: virgo ball), the right slot you must switch between Ice meteorite and extinction every time. In switching system:At left slot you can put 2 skills Virgo ball + ice meteorite in switch mode, and right slot for extinction /holy mind and buffs skills. This make alot more convenient for priest bcz she can switch skills easy and also keep track about delay of extinction/holy mind ... to cast them in time. The same with other char. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kniteforce 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 The hotkeys (F1-F8, 4-7) can apply to both the right and left slot. example: F1 can be bound to change the left slot to Phoenix Shot, while F2 can be bound to change the right slot to Perforation May be you dont have enough experience playing some chars here, the good way in PvP or PvE is put non-delay battle skill at left slot and right slot use for delay skill (destroyer, split jav, extinction), buff skills , debuff skills (holy mind, soul sucker, stun arrow, distortion ...). This way you are not only freely spam non-delay skills but also keep track about delay skills and do/cast it in time. Give an exp: Priest when fighting undead: She should change between Virgo ball (if only 1 undead) or Ice meteorite (for 2 or more), she also need to cast extinction as soon as its delay end to kill undead more faster. In normal system: the left slot you can put only 1 skill (exp: virgo ball), the right slot you must switch between Ice meteorite and extinction every time. In switching system:At left slot you can put 2 skills Virgo ball + ice meteorite in switch mode, and right slot for extinction /holy mind and buffs skills. This make alot more convenient for priest bcz she can switch skills easy and also keep track about delay of extinction/holy mind ... to cast them in time. The same with other char. You asked if a keybinding could change/switch the skill in the left slot, the same way they do in the right slot...and they can. You can easily achieve what you describe in your "switching system" example right now in game, In fact that is exactly what I have for my priest (F1 = VB left slot, F2 = IM left slot, other bindings for Extinction and buffs in right slot). So maybe it isn't my experience with the game that is lacking, but rather your explanation of what you want to do? Are you instead asking for a single keybinding that toggles between 2 skills (press once for VB, press again for IM)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
veronica 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 I get your point, but the main problem here is How you can switch skill in left slot? If you press 4,5,6 or F4 f5 f6 ... this only swith skill in right slot right? My suggest is create a hot key for exp: key "~" so if you press it you can switch skill in left slot (only 2 skills which you set in switch mode), you get my point? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kniteforce 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 Oh, in the skill pane, when you want to set a key binding to a particular EITHER the left or right mouse button, then press the keybind key. Ex: to bind F1 = VB to the left slot, I would left click+hold VB in the skill pane, then press F1. The key binding Weill then be set so that every time I press F1, the left slot changes to VB. The mouse button you click+hold while setting the keybind determines which slot it is assigned to Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SecondInfernus! 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 +1 I liked the ide of tabbing i use ata and i use both twist and vengeance in bc this would be alot quicker for me to change since i prefere having split and all those on my right click and want twist and vengeance on my left click Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
veronica 0 Report post Posted July 13, 2016 Oh, in the skill pane, when you want to set a key binding to a particular EITHER the left or right mouse button, then press the keybind key. Ex: to bind F1 = VB to the left slot, I would left click+hold VB in the skill pane, then press F1. The key binding Weill then be set so that every time I press F1, the left slot changes to VB. The mouse button you click+hold while setting the keybind determines which slot it is assigned to Oh sorry, I see it, Ty for your guide. I never know this before bcz I alwasy set skill by press right click + Fx. But here I still a small problem: Before I dont set hot key for left slot skill (only put Virgo ball or IM there), Now it take me from F1 - F4 for just setting switching skills in left slot: virgo ball + Ice meteorite + holy mind +Glacial spike (they must be near for easier to switch). Then other buff skills (Vl, Muspell, holy reflection, devine force,extinction) will be move farther (F5 -> F8, 4->9 ) . Then I think my suggestion about switch still bring convenient for us: Now it have some change: + You can switch betweens more than 2 skills. + You set your switch skill by press "~" + left click on the skill. + Depend on the order you set, this will determine the order of the switch cycle: For example : If I press "~" + left click on skill panel by order: Virgo ball + Ice meteorite + holy mind => my switch cycle will be like this: VB => IM => Holy mind => back to VB => ...... With this setting you may save a lot hotkeys to set skill, so now I can can use F1 => F5 for other buff skills such as vl , devine force, extinction .... This really helpfull (especially in darkness, and your keyboard dont have led) If you set skill at so far F5 => F9, you easy to make mistake when choose skill. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites