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Damage boost and add atack power, diference?

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the skill AC of FS add 95% of Damage Boots and BC add 95% of Atack Power.


what is the diference of damage boost and atack power?

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boost = impulsionar in pt-BR

give an upgrade in atk power

boost = up atk power,  so it is the same thing


really no one have no idea? O.o


It does not have any difference, just another way of talking

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boost = impulsionar in pt-BR

give an upgrade in atk power

boost = up atk power,  so it is the same thing


really no one have no idea? O.o


It does not have any difference, just another way of talking

do you have 100% sure about you are saying?

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do you have 100% sure about you are saying?


I speak based on what means the translation , and like what happens with the char


boost = increase

in everything that concerns, not only in the game, in real life has the same meaning

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do you have 100% sure about you are saying?


I speak based on what means the translation , and like what happens with the char


boost = increase

in everything that concerns, not only in the game, in real life has the same meaning

yess, i see but i know english as well, so you have no sure about what you are saying.


maybe the damage you do in a mob depends of some circunstance, your % of critical and others things, so damage boost maybe can be other thing than add atack power. =x

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If you look at the skills on the website, it is both listed as Dmg Boost 95%. So rgmorc is right, they are the same thing.

i just saw it there, thank you very much, this was really important to me understand it.

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