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How to Tank at DIQ

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HI guys im new to this Game so If anyone could please tell me how to tank in DI Q please.

The position to tank and when to Comp ?

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Hello Tsing i already told you to call me ingame and i will show you how, its hard to explain in words =x better show ya

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HI guys im new to this Game so If anyone could please tell me how to tank in DI Q please.

The position to tank and when to Comp ?


Some guys will tell stay at "box spot" without move and comp when the lure arrives or when delay finish.

In my opinion the best is move a bit around the box so u can intercept the mobs that are following the lurer (that way u can prevent they go to the killers).

Also depend what kind of killers u have in the party. For example, when have archers in the party will be good if u (the tanker) can acomodate the lure so the perfo from archer affect mostly of the mobs.

If u dont do good at first, dont worry, all in the game is based on experience  ;D

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HI guys im new to this Game so If anyone could please tell me how to tank in DI Q please.

The position to tank and when to Comp ?


Some guys will tell stay at "box spot" without move and comp when the lure arrives or when delay finish.

In my opinion the best is move a bit around the box so u can intercept the mobs that are following the lurer (that way u can prevent they go to the killers).

Also depend what kind of killers u have in the party. For example, when have archers in the party will be good if u (the tanker) can acomodate the lure so the perfo from archer affect mostly of the mobs.

If u dont do good at first, dont worry, all in the game is based on experience  ;D

and depends of the type of killer is in ur party too. if ur party have 1 AS the tanker will need to organize the mobs because of the AS perfuration.

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1. Buff - Metal Amor + Gravitation + Extreme Shield + Trine + Compulsion~


2. Position just a little bit in front of the killers..


3. Lurer lures a group of mob.. when mobs approach.. use Compulsion~!


4. Now use Impulsion~ to attack the mobs~!! Switch to hammer/sword if you have and can do it..


5. Repeat.. ^^


Remember to pot and re-buff every 5 mins~



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