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Better ways of spending coins ( Help)

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Well i'm a kinda of old player, but i have never played too much ( i used to play LoL)

Then for the first time, i buy 500 coins, but i have no idea how can i use it.

Im currently As 128 ( i already have bow 120+10, kel and val )


1- What is the best way to get profit from 500 coins ?



2- Does it worth to buy xp up ?


Tkx <3

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Method 1. farm the game..


1.1 SOD.. It really depends on ur time u can put in rpt.. but if u only got 1 as char.. with 500 coins.. I would buy a naked 11x or 12x fs/mg/prs.. use as to gear it up.. go Sod kill up to round 5/6 if u can.. most of the time there are players in Sod.. so u will be kicked out in round 3 or round 6 depends.. should be 2kk(3.2c) to 10kk(16c) profit for 12x depends..

every time I farmed Sod.. I became 11fMQAYPU4kx4A.gif .. so..


1.2 Hunting.. buy third eye and go hunt using 128 as.. I would not recommend this though.. firstly auto-mech out hunt as by 1/3 or 1/2 times.. secondly u will get back farm less than 500 coins..


Method 2. farm the players..


trade either gold or gears or consumables or accounts.. u know the market price.. with 500 coins.. buy anything less than the market price.. some sell low because they probably love to play the game rather than being a trader or those who r too lazy like me..^^ .. I would prefer consumables first, then u can go for gold/ gears/ accounts when u r richer.. then resell it at market price.. 

I know this works.. saw a few 14x players who trade their chars+top to slowly climb up the level ladder.. so.. xT0BKNBeDmlxDkM51e.gif


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