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because I take dc? all the time

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admin, gm hello

why I'm all the time leading DC. takes more or less, about 2 minutes more for me to connect


I'm new here.

I use ingles translator

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Did anyone see a topic or a post by an admin saying something like "server is on"?


If not it's probably because the maintenance isn't done yet


So no wonder why the server isn't working properly

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Did anyone see a topic or a post by an admin saying something like "server is on"?


If not it's probably because the maintenance isn't done yet


So no wonder why the server isn't working properly




No ofense intended, just jkng

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I'm just trying to explain how useless is to keep creating topics just like this one


This can be new to new players, but we already know stuff like that happen when the server go under maintenance



Just relax at your home, go do something else. We already know there's something wrong, an official announcement will be out once it's everything fine again

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experience on maintenances count more than a green dot for me






I'm going to bed, good night/day/noon and good luck to all players and members of the staff who'll stay

C ya

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connecting failed.....why? plz  :-\

So bored x( me too, i can't login game :|


As moderator of the forum said, the server must be online only for the Sandur or mercury.

They should be checking all the maps of the event, if there is some bug with the new patch .

Please let's wait a little longer, I'm sure the team will be doing everything the suits go online soon as possible.

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LMAO OWED by MERCURY !!! all know private server main server not all updates.. work right first time... CHILLLLL OUT PPL .. they doing there best!!

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i'm new here, but can't loggin becouse the Server maintenance...

i'm from bPT (Original Brazil Priston Tale)...

but bPT Original server seems like pirate server, and pirate servers seems like original servers....


i'm looking that gm's hare car mor about the players than original server...


and for sure... tier 5 helps alot :D


idly waiting for the All Powerfull "green light"


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LMAO OWED by MERCURY !!! all know private server main server not all updates.. work right first time... CHILLLLL OUT PPL .. they doing there best!!


Careful on what you post on forum ;) You just might get it too

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bb Roba, banned 3 days


Man! It's one of those times where I want to ask a question, but I know I'm supposed to question the final decision of an Admin and/or GM etc. It's killing me!  :-X

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