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Priston's continent climate changes

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Didn't Priston Tale use to have a "rain effect" that would randomly turn on/off?


I'm not sure... all I remember is me running arround Navisko during a rainy ingame day (long time ago). lol

But it would be pretty cool to have rain back in PT. :D


(specially during halloween event)



Do any of you remember this old, but cool, feature?

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I do remember, it would be nice to put it back in the game.

more who knows, Snow too :D

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I do remember, it would be nice to put it back in the game.

more who knows, Snow too :D


We have the snow effect already in ice maps. ::)


But yeah, I want the rain effect back. :P

I think I saw it in old rPT, maybe?

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i actually think the rain turns off with blizzard effect ...

i think i was told that one time ..

prob wrong tho..lol

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Sandur could put new things, not only more rain something different. I think it be time for something new  :P

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The "Rain" is not a 3d effect like the snow but a simple 2d image which is transparent.

This means that in some angles it will rain horizontally.

As a useless feature we removed it ;)

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it was cool =x



and i agree about new effects ;D special to halloween

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The "Rain" is not a 3d effect like the snow but a simple 2d image which is transparent.

This means that in some angles it will rain horizontally.

As a useless feature we removed it ;)


Any chances of grabing the snow effect and based on that one, make a new 3D rain effect? ::)

I know it's useless and it's not worth the time, but whatever. It's a cool feature. :D

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The "Rain" is not a 3d effect like the snow but a simple 2d image which is transparent.

This means that in some angles it will rain horizontally.

As a useless feature we removed it ;)


Any chances of grabing the snow effect and based on that one, make a new 3D rain effect? ::)

I know it's useless and it's not worth the time, but whatever. It's a cool feature. :D

No idea. You are free to investigate it further if you like ;)

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we ''had rain'' it use to be 3d but he made it 2d and less lag


i liked the rain, imo it seems very cool at times, not really uselss imo just a nice feature which gives a bonus in this server

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we ''had rain'' it use to be 3d but he made it 2d and less lag


i liked the rain, imo it seems very cool at times, not really uselss imo just a nice feature which gives a bonus in this server


We had 3D rain? Seriously? When?

If lag was the problem, maybe there could be an option to turn it on/off in the Settings Window.



I've done some search here and yeah, It's possible to add new weather effects. I just don't know how. lol

I know that, because I found some other private servers with something they call "fire snow effect" (?). ???

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we ''had rain'' it use to be 3d but he made it 2d and less lag


i liked the rain, imo it seems very cool at times, not really uselss imo just a nice feature which gives a bonus in this server


We had 3D rain? Seriously? When?

If lag was the problem, maybe there could be an option to turn it on/off in the Settings Window.



I've done some search here and yeah, It's possible to add new weather effects. I just don't know how. lol

I know that, because I found some other private servers with something they call "fire snow effect" (?). ???

We never had 3D rain. No server ever had. Possibly a reskinned version of snow, like firesnow.

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well i ment something else but anyways, we did had rain, maybe he can put snow when winter

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