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Suggestion : Marked Items

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Hi, i think it will be nice fir when i enter someone's shop,


items for my class will be highlighted so i won't have to check if it's my spec or not :)


What do you think?

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Its not the difficult to hover.. but at the same time.. I use my main char to buy stuff for my other chars which are different specs than my main.  So it would be a little annoying actually.

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Its not the difficult to hover.. but at the same time.. I use my main char to buy stuff for my other chars which are different specs than my main.  So it would be a little annoying actually.


Could be interesting if is implement in the same way like this:



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I just wish shops that you went to would change color in the text so you know youve been there already, and the color should go back to normal if that person changes their shop while you are away.

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I just wish shops that you went to would change color in the text so you know youve been there already, and the color should go back to normal if that person changes their shop while you are away.



Now THAT would be great!!!

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