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Sell KS 131 Full/MAGE 130 full/Ata 125 full

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KS items:

128 armor bom

128 boots bom

128 gaung bom

106 brace bom

122 sword 1h bom

120 sword +19

124 shield BOM

DGS ks bom




MGS items:

128 robe bbm

128 orb bbm

126 staff bbm

122 wand bom

124 boots bbm

124 brace bbm

124 gaunt bbm

124 amulet bbm

2x 120 ring enigma mix

oredo mage spec bbmix



ATA items:

122 jav perf bbm

120 shield bbm

124 boots bbm

124 brace bbm

124 gaunt bsm donate

succubus ata bsm

CARAVAN 164 hrs (newly use)

gravity stone 74 hrs

phoenix pet  60 hrs



feel free to offer or trade the ks + mage for prs 134+

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