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Bad in EXP

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This change in the drop of dagaz and cyania etc, and the value of the stones mature skill / age will remain so? then so high lvl can win it? UNFAIR! obs: they took the best way for new players get gold for the initial items.          sorry for bad english, but I think of to understand!!!

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I think its good. Now these items get more value. Its a reason more to hunt and gain gold by hunting.

If you want gold with exp, collect the gold which is dropped.

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I think its good. Now these items get more value. Its a reason more to hunt and gain gold by hunting.

If you want gold with exp, collect the gold which is dropped.

hahaha, this is the vision of a high level.. now that the life of a beginner is good but complicated, as it will have gold to buy items 11x 12x to get level up the maps on your level ?? even hunting equipment that need to be a little better, are a bit more expensive, and there to do?

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Holy, you're salty.


All kinds of equipments are cheap as hell right now, and since the Summer Event never ends, there's still a way for new players to make money.


This change is supposed to be a start in fixing the game economy.

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for me it difficult for beginners , and no clan or something to help because when you go up maps like 95 already starts to make a better gold for equips , this is good for high level of char when I started helped me a lot , because the same sod to gold have to be 13x with good equips to endure and look there. They should return the stones.

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I think its good. Now these items get more value. Its a reason more to hunt and gain gold by hunting.

If you want gold with exp, collect the gold which is dropped.

hahaha, this is the vision of a high level.. now that the life of a beginner is good but complicated, as it will have gold to buy items 11x 12x to get level up the maps on your level ?? even hunting equipment that need to be a little better, are a bit more expensive, and there to do?

hard to understand this perfect english O.o


@topic: unfortunally we need to value the GOLD in this server, now 1kc you buy 700-750kk O.o, every month GOLD is cheaper.

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@topic: unfortunally we need to value the GOLD in this server, now 1kc you buy 700-750kk O.o, every month GOLD is cheaper.

Just because we have summer event, means have more coins in game. When event finish, gold will go down even more probly.

Be ready for when Lotto be released on next patch 8) 8)

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