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The Remaining Server

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Hey guys,


I used to help run a few servers over four to five years ago when there we so many servers to pick from. I'll get a sudden urge of nostalgia every so often and check to see who's still around and what's been updated. I must say that there is a lot of crazy updates that we thought were going to be impossible to do but if anybody could do it it would be Wartale.


I specifically remember people talking about how unrealistic Wartale was on RageZone forums while he was working to implement Tier 5 skills without an official release from jPT or ePT. Once that first video rolled out with a few of the custom skills people stopped the unrealistic claims and wanted nothing else but to work with him. In reality I believe everybody was just a little bit scared because they knew if he got it working that their servers would become irrelevant. Well, here we are halfway through 2016 with Tier 5 skills and now two new classes. I have to say it's remarkable how active this server still is, not only with the consistent updates that have continued to roll-out but from the community as well.


Long Live Wartale

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