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Heretics Ksers?

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Olha, não tenho nada contra o Thor, nem ao clan dele, mas eu acho que um clan do lvl do Heretics nao precisa dar Ks.

Estava upando de boa, com uma party num spwn em S1 quando nossos amigos On, Shk e Juh começaram o Ks.










Tentei até um diálogo, mas continuaram mesmo assim.

Acredito que Thor nao criou um clan de Noobs.

Heretics não precisa disso.


sem mais.




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Esse clan InfernO sempre me da ks qdo tava upando duo, solo...

Daí que digo, eh dando que se recebe!


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Esse clan InfernO sempre me da ks qdo tava upando duo, solo...

Daí que digo, eh dando que se recebe!


This clan InfernO always the ks qdo tava upando duo, solo ...

Hence I say, eh Hanukkah!


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like i've said, ks is childish, if ks someone i say sorry

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Olen hyvin pahoillani tapahtuneesta ja tulen hyvittämään sen teille.


oh yeah, the lil green mens

make sense

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ks is a normal thing here...... U have 2 options: do or not


Respect is something that, in this server, no one knows ... i mean a lot of people.


'I do not KS, do you?' --> almost everybody will answer 'yeah, theres no punishment'.......




Shame on these guys =/



Infelizmente, qse tds q jah deram/tentaram me dar KS eram brasileiros, esse eh o perfeito exemplo do pq brasileiro eh uma praga nos servidores de QLQR jogo e mtos blockeiam nossos IPs.....e, pelo visto, n saum mtos que kerem mudar o cenario LINDO que fazemos lah fora e aqui dentro.


PS: hipocrisias para depois, pls

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おまえばかか? :)

俺たち大嫌いinferno clan

inferno clanの人はばかよ 8)

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Uskoisin että kyseessä on silkka väärinkäsitys, ja etteivät he oikeasti tarkoittaneet mitään pahaa. He vain halusivat tappaa pahoja hirviöitä, jotka käyttäytyivät agressiivisesti teitä kohtaan.


Tulevaisuudessa toivoisin että tämänkaltaiset ongelmat voitaisiin välttää puhumalla. Uuden säikeen luominen foorumeille ei ole tarpeellista, ainoa hyöty joka siitä tulee on minun henkilökohtainen egoboostini.


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We all know that Heretics KS people......

And we all also know that you're some sad 7x atalanta, crying about everything since we didn't recruit you.

vo te picar a bala no river!

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We all know that Heretics KS people......

afffffff :'(


My clansuggestion would be to make an weekly clanevent.

When u or ur party ksing some ppl who deserved some action u should make some nice affff-flaming-cry-screenshots and post them on clanforum.

The best screenshot will get a small reward.

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We all know that Heretics KS people......

afffffff :'(


My clansuggestion would be to make an weekly clanevent.

When u or ur party ksing some ppl who deserved some action u should make some nice affff-flaming-cry-screenshots and post them on clanforum.

The best screenshot will get a small reward.

small reward = e-pen0r ???

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Bom, eu e o Shk conversamos via pm, por iniciativa dele, ele me pediu desculpas pelo KS, e eu pedi desculpas pelo topico. explicamos um ao outro o que aconteceu no momento e chegamos um concenso amigavel.

assim descobri que Shk eh um rapaz de carater e teoricamente esse assunto esta resolvido.


sem mais.

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