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For Wartale and the rest of theWartaleGM Crew (about Halloween event and maint)

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Everyone wants to play, everyone wants the server up asap. Patience is the key~

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i'll tell what ppl want to achieve:

No more uselles events kk!


and some want to say shits about rl and that ppl who are complaining are trolls and kids trying to get gms atention and make friendship whit them hoping they will have in game advantages, but they wont kkk :P!



@edit to add some words


and btw: ppl who is complaining like me, loves this server, we tell these things, because we love it, and not to start a fight against anyone, but i cant hear nerds talking about real life as if they werent carrying if server is off!

Dont act like you know what everyone wants please.

I do like events like this.

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link=topic=13971.msg105627#msg105627 date=1288439575]

I know the GM crew is probably not going to listen to me, but I'm going to say it anyways. Like we say in Brazil "in short and raw": We do not want a stupid Halloween Event if it's going to take 3-4 days in a row to make it work. And I do believe that I speak for the most ofwtcommunity when I say that.


Guys It's been more than 48 hours that you are trying to make this god damn event to work, and it still hasn't? For God's sakes. I could be Lvl125 by now! LMAO. Actually it's not even a maintenance, it's a DELAY! Total lack of respect for the people that supports and donate every month for you.


I've sent Wartale a PM suggesting him to make the Halloween Event comes with a 2x (double) EXP event too. At least for one day. I believe it would be only fair with all the people playing his server. Don't you want us to vote for your server? Well, it would be really nice to give us something back in return also for keeping the community waiting a long maintenance for a event that no one really wants/needs. But I also don't think he is going to listen for this suggestion.




PS: I'm only criticizing so much, because I want this server to be better than what it is.







very beautifull words!!

you have spoke everything that most of the players (at least those who arent suckers) wants to speak!



Yeah, that's what I thought. Thanks for the support.  :-*

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Personally I don't care that much if server is online or not.

- I'm playing here for free andwtcounts as a way to relax

- I was aware that serwer might be off for some time so i have spend really awesome two days with my gf and i was't even thinking about games - don't make PT your real life - it's pointless.

- I don't understand something like "It would be really nice to give us something back in return"  Who the fu** cares that you are an addict ? You can play here and thats all - it's your own decision to donate and have your e-pen** bigger or not. Wartale can even post a topic called "Server closed" and shut it all down. Go play WoW and complain there if you won't be able to play. You will sometimes get one free day to your account status due to technical problems. Not to mention that MMO's with huge budgets,profits and a hundreds of staff members have bigger probems than rPT. And even ifwtwill be down for 2 weeks I will still vote for it since i prefer to wait and see something fun and well prepared, rather than playing crap all the time.


Don't talk about what you don't know, sonny boy.  ::)


-I'm also playing here just for chill and relax. Take my post into consideration as a person trying to help not some stupid 20 year old kid trying to sane his addiction.

- Addict? Actually I've been fine the couple of days that I've been outta rPT, man. I've been addicted to PristonTale once in the past and I would know recognize and admit if I was now. Go play World of Warcraft? That's what I've been doing for the past 4 years, bro. Actually I'm giving it a break since the 3rd expansion of this game is coming out at December 7th. Sowtis just a distraction and a nostalgic way to pass my time until then, nothing more.  ;)


Again: my intention making this post was to HELP gms to open their eyes when they doing something that the majority of the community is clearly not liking. I'm almost not a addicted kid anymore who speaks in behalf of his addiction, trust me on this. 

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I don't understand this logic; yes, you are frustrated and pissed off that you cannot play PT for a day. But, was it notthe players that wanted a halloween event? Wartale did not have to make this 'crappy' event at all.


But he did. And there are problems that have arisen. He didn't cause these problems on purpose did he?

You say want to improve the server, but your demanding to be compensated for the time you could not play PT just implies you only being selfish.


This was tactless; what do you hope to acheive with this thread? Would it make Wartale work faster and suddenly become smarter? Or do you want him to just give up trying to fix the event and put the server online? We would probably have a shi- load more whiners too.


Anyway, sure, you can complain and 'criticize'. But consider the context and the purpose of your post; at this time it acheives nothing but attract flamers and spam and that christian kid whose first post is a QQ about how offended he is.

If you wanted to make a good suggestion, you would have waited until the server was online, then make a thread about being compensated. Right now, Wartale has enough on his hands.


Where did you see the players actually ASKING for this event? Yes, Wartale did not have to make this event and he still haven't, actually.


Selfish in my book is making thousands of people waiting days for a not-so-special event when nobody really asked/needed it. "But he is only trying to make the server better", you say. Yeah, I'm sure he is trying his best, I would also if I was in his position. What I wouldn't do is making people wait days for a event that nobody really care much about. Everybody loves Drop rate and EXP events, that I guarantee. Then why not give that as well? 


I thought I was clear when I said I made this post to express the thoughts of the majority ofwtcommunity. I don't really hope to achieve sh*t actually. I also said that. I don't believe that any GM, Wartale or not will listen to what I had to say. You just proof my point. And actually if this event is not out by October 31th (the bloody Halloween day, right?), yeah I believe that it would be the best for everyone he just give up and give us another event instead.



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Bah overreacted :)


But hey, you are warned Howdy.

Dont ever bite the hand that feeds you.

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I don't understand this logic; yes, you are frustrated and pissed off that you cannot play PT for a day. But, was it notthe players that wanted a halloween event? Wartale did not have to make this 'crappy' event at all.


But he did. And there are problems that have arisen. He didn't cause these problems on purpose did he?

You say want to improve the server, but your demanding to be compensated for the time you could not play PT just implies you only being selfish.


This was tactless; what do you hope to acheive with this thread? Would it make Wartale work faster and suddenly become smarter? Or do you want him to just give up trying to fix the event and put the server online? We would probably have a shi- load more whiners too.


Anyway, sure, you can complain and 'criticize'. But consider the context and the purpose of your post; at this time it acheives nothing but attract flamers and spam and that christian kid whose first post is a QQ about how offended he is.

If you wanted to make a good suggestion, you would have waited until the server was online, then make a thread about being compensated. Right now, Wartale has enough on his hands.


Where did you see the players actually ASKING for this event? Yes, Wartale did not have to make this event and he still haven't, actually.


Selfish in my book is making thousands of people waiting days for a not-so-special event when nobody really asked/needed it. "But he is only trying to make the server better", you say. Yeah, I'm sure he is trying his best, I would also if I was in his position. What I wouldn't do is making people wait days for a event that nobody really care much about. Everybody loves Drop rate and EXP events, that I guarantee. Then why not give that as well? 


I thought I was clear when I said I made this post to express the thoughts of the majority ofwtcommunity. I don't really hope to achieve sh*t actually. I also said that. I don't believe that any GM, Wartale or not will listen to what I had to say. You just proof my point. And actually if this event is not out by October 31th (the bloody Halloween day, right?), yeah I believe that it would be the best for everyone he just give up and give us another event instead.

how u know nobody really cares about this event, can u read other ppl's mind?

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We do read and listen to what the community says. Many people do ask for events, nothing to argue about. Of course we don't want the server to be down for longer period of times but as we have explained earlier we got into some problems and we are doing our best to fix them. I understand that your angry and want to play but all we ask for is patience from your side and trusting upon us that we are doing our best.


Also these kind of events is just one thing that makes this server stand out from others and our ambition is to keep on doing unique events and adding unique features.

Thank you for your attention.

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Reasons why "most of the players don't care about this event":


- People who said they don't care about this event are high levels that just want double EXP event to level up fast or doule drop rate event to drop insanely rare items in high level hunting maps. Every other event, in their opinion SUCKS.

- People who said they don't care about this event are definitly addicted to this game and can't wait a few days of maintenance.

- People who said they don't care about this event most likely don't give a shit about this server and all they want is to play or donate for leet items.


Reasons why smart people actually CARE about this event:


- It helps newcomers to make some gold.

- We don't care if we can't drop an Hades armor or some shit like that from these halloween mobs. At least it's a funny event. Sheltom rewards are a bonus.

- This is what makes this server the best Priston Tale private server out there.



This is true and you know it.

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Guest TFSE

I don't understand this logic; yes, you are frustrated and pissed off that you cannot play PT for a day. But, was it notthe players that wanted a halloween event? Wartale did not have to make this 'crappy' event at all.


But he did. And there are problems that have arisen. He didn't cause these problems on purpose did he?

You say want to improve the server, but your demanding to be compensated for the time you could not play PT just implies you only being selfish.


This was tactless; what do you hope to acheive with this thread? Would it make Wartale work faster and suddenly become smarter? Or do you want him to just give up trying to fix the event and put the server online? We would probably have a shi- load more whiners too.


Anyway, sure, you can complain and 'criticize'. But consider the context and the purpose of your post; at this time it acheives nothing but attract flamers and spam and that christian kid whose first post is a QQ about how offended he is.

If you wanted to make a good suggestion, you would have waited until the server was online, then make a thread about being compensated. Right now, Wartale has enough on his hands.


Where did you see the players actually ASKING for this event? Yes, Wartale did not have to make this event and he still haven't, actually.


Selfish in my book is making thousands of people waiting days for a not-so-special event when nobody really asked/needed it. "But he is only trying to make the server better", you say. Yeah, I'm sure he is trying his best, I would also if I was in his position. What I wouldn't do is making people wait days for a event that nobody really care much about. Everybody loves Drop rate and EXP events, that I guarantee. Then why not give that as well? 


I thought I was clear when I said I made this post to express the thoughts of the majority ofwtcommunity. I don't really hope to achieve sh*t actually. I also said that. I don't believe that any GM, Wartale or not will listen to what I had to say. You just proof my point. And actually if this event is not out by October 31th (the bloody Halloween day, right?), yeah I believe that it would be the best for everyone he just give up and give us another event instead.


Where do you see players (before the maintenance) NOT asking for an event? What was the Halloween Event Topic about? Did YOU, did ANY of the people who are complaining in here, post in there and say "Oh hey, I don't think an event is a good idea! Maybe we should do something else?"


Oh wait, none of you did. And the only person who did (rye) has enough patience and understanding to not add fuel to an unnecessary fire.


Your tone in your posts make it sound like you're blaming Wartale for everything; as if he planned that problems would arise and he did it on purpose just to piss people off?

I did not say that you shouldn't be compensated. I said under the current context you asking for one just proves your selfishness. Like I said in my earlier post, what you should have done was wait until the maintenance was solved, then posted it as a suggestion.


Also, if we didn't listen and read to your posts. Why are there so many staff here trying to explain? If we really didn't care about all this whining, this would have been deleted, a long time ago. Especially considering you posted this twice.


In the future, please don't contradict yourself by saying you don't hope to achieve anything, but then getting all riled up about it when others voice their own opinions.



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This server is not yours nor are you obliged to play it. Even if you have donated, it's entirely volunteerly and you should not consider it as if you're becoming a co-owner of this server by donating money to the owners.


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Guest Mayreen

Come on, who said "we don't want Halloween Event"?.. I want it, and i'm pretty sure others payers want it too.

Just be patient.


I want you negative ppl to consider this: This server provides a 100% free service to all its players. If we had a monthly fee or something like that I would understand your complaints but since that is not the case I cannot understand you.


Disrespect towards staff and other players + spam.

Watch it son.



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Oh and by the way, this event is worth the wait:




But that's just my personal opinion.

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off again -.-


i dont like this event...

why so much maintenances only to put Pumpkin ghost -.-

and drops only raidents :-[ :(


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I personally love this event, but is not proportional maintenance time, with the prize or winnings that you can get from this event! ... I hope things improve a bit ... be patient! 8)

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off again -.-


i dont like this event...

why so much maintenances only to put Pumpkin ghost -.-

and drops only raidents :-[ :(


Things likes to be very simple when you are at the "client" side.

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and drops only raidents :-[ :(


drop raids or devine....:(


Also Oredos:






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You'll never get anything for free, guys. Events sometimes make stuff easier, but you'll still to work out to get them

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I got nothing against the event,

but I guess should be better program before leaving the server off for three days instead of 3 hours

and a 24h double exp event would be great! since we lost 3 days with this maint ( especially Saturday ).

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Do you guys really think that stuff are implemented to the server before any test or something like that?

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Guest Mayreen

Is the server online atm? are you online? No? so why don't wait till' server get online and then talk about if the event is good or not? why you ppl don't know how to be patient and wait?.. it's rly annoying.. you wont die for 1 or 2 days w/o pt.. just go outside, enjoy the fresh air... and when server back online you can play all you want...

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IMO, howdy and many ppl's problem is not they have to wait. The problem is they do not know when the server is back. Why doesnt GM staff give us a number? 1,2 or 3 days?

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