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PoTW #14

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Hello and welcome to the Picture of The Week contest !


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Post your participations in this topic ;)


Prize :

  • 1 Exp 24H Potion
  • 1 Third Eye 24H Potion
  • 1 Purple Skill Crystal




You have until next sunday to participate ! (for this week)



TIP : you can use CTRL+END to do a screenshot without menu/hp/skills/etc, so your screenshot will be nicer !

(CTRL+HOME will do a normal picture, with date & time)


TIP : try using at least 1024 or 1280 screen resolution for better quality pictures !

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Halloween in Priston's continent


The darkness has fallen upon Ricarten. Another October 31st has arrived. Newcomers feel excited to go trick or treat, while others remain a bit scared from last year's events that shocked the whole continent.


Up in the north lays The Mansion, as it's known. This magnificent and apparently harmless building hides an horrible past. That place, was once the stage for many crazy experiments. Its dark and creepy halls lead to a secret basement, where Morald's assistant, known as the guy who sells sheltoms, was created, last year. An unknown mixture of sheltoms combined with body parts digged from Bamboo Forest's graveyard were the reason why such dramatic event happened.

Since that particular night, Morald tested many other new mixing combinations, that may someday, lead to disaster. The habitants of Ricarten are scared. They claim that Morald has gone mad, while others simply state that he's always been insane. No one knows if he's still doing this kind of experiments, and we'll probably never know.




That bloody night will never be forgotten.

Still, try to enjoy Halloween.


Happy Halloween, everyone!

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