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Requesting Definition of Attack Rating and Critical %

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Can someone please explain to me what exactly Attack Rating affects ingame? Is it the chance to land attacks versus missing them? I know attack rating does not affect your damage


Also, how does critical affect your damage? On a aoe character like a PRS versus a aoe of brandish on a ks?

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It is a parameter that decides if your hit will be defended, or not.


There is no "miss", there is Defense, Block and Evade.



The chance of Defense is based on a formula.



It is known that if your Attack Rating is equal or higher than the target Defense, the target will not defend whatsoever. The % of defend chance then scales as the difference between the Defense and Attack Rating goes up.


AoE skills will always hit, regardless of the target Defense, Block or Evade.



Critical is another parameter that is based on a percentage. If you have 50% critical, it means that you have 50% of chance of landing Critical hits. Critical Hits only works with 1v1 attacks (with a few exceptions for AoE, like Archer's Perforation), and the Critical Damage is 70% of the normal damage.


If your normal damage is 1000, when doing a critical, it will be 1700.


Pike's Assassin Eye increase your Critical Damage, not Critical Chance.

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Has anyone told you lately that you are a God of pristontale? Thank you!!!! This should be on the home page!!!!

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