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oke some people are a bit annoying with really bad english

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Guys I made this topic for those people who saying all the time use a google translator or correct those people who can't speak a bit enlgish ( it won't help........ ) so just stup it.



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why can't you just learn a bit english? wouldn't it help you in the future?

lazy asses

+1  :-\

every good place to work here in Brazil requires english, that's a fact

and alot of ppl, not all, but some of them are lazy asses...

this is a fact too ^^

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how to picar a bala in proper english:


1- pick an asshole as a target (extra points if the target is one of the ppl listed bellow:


Thor, Mercury, SkullKid (wtf?), SEXandLOVE (T_T), ShK (pick him!), BBuddy~, angie, Eagle (auto-win);




2-say it out loud,

its garbage vo in the river pricks you the disembarassed bullet there?


3- laugh on your target's face


4-KS him/her


5- make your target fuck off


there, you already can call your self an idiot pro!

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It's not the english who needs to be improved but their self-language y'know... u can't translate "sum'hings" like it in a translator

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how to picar a bala in proper english:


1- pick an asshole as a target (extra points if the target is one of the ppl listed bellow:


Thor, Mercury, SkullKid (wtf?), SEXandLOVE (T_T), ShK (pick him!), BBuddy~, angie, Eagle (auto-win);




2-say it out loud,

its garbage vo in the river pricks you the disembarassed bullet there?


3- laugh on your target's face


4-KS him/her


5- make your target fuck off


there, you already can call your self an idiot pro!

what can i say



that's just perfect =D

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but saying, use a better translator or what ever won't help >.<, and that is also a bit annoying, to see that in most topics because it won't help.


So you guys can stop correcting those people who can't speak a bit english.





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It's not the english who needs to be improved but their self-language y'know... u can't translate "sum'hings" like it in a translator

Lol i was just thinking that :P

If you cant write grammatically correct and spell the words correctly in english, it will make less sense when tranlated to portuguese, same goes the other way around ;)

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fuck is you  ??? :o



Very Very Very...





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