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Renewal the rules

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Gogg you should stop crying... you cry everyday that the ES bug isnt working anymore ::)


Those who think we should be punished for our 14kk score are a bunch of hypocrites when few months ago no1 got punished for the uc core bug...


We stopped with the uc bug after Wartale told us too... and no one got punished ...


Did sandurr tell us to stop abusing this  SOD "bug" ,,, no ?!.




I think 90% of the people in this topic only wants to look good for the outside world whilst deep down inside they still abuse bugs (i.e fuel and the ranged bug in et3... i never saw you reporting it ,, yet you abused it like a mofo)



P.S I still see people bugging bosses everyday .. but since Heretics is not doing that, no one cares ...


First, if u can talk about me, SEE IM HUNT... i dont need bug to kill, i USE CRISTAL TO TANK, so, dont say bullshit...

Second, if u dont know, sod give gold and speed, its totally different to hunt.

AND if u see my clan, dont need bug do win, but yours, bug and a member staff say, go and bug too..

Its a ridiculus...

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its better to change the server name to bug/cheaters-pt  8)

or maybe i-do-as-i-want-and-dont-get-banned-pt

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Guest Mayreen

I remember there was another bug some time ago


115 map had to turn into 120 map, but didnt  :-X


I think you mean about ct3 when turned lvl 120 req. and some ppl was using union cores to get into the map.

I can't deny, I abused that bug.. and some ppl I remember did it too. We appologized and some of us got punishment, and never did it again till Wartale fixed it.

Am I wrong?

Exactly, but u're wrong my dear

I never appologized for that, and I was there too (well, not as long as u were ofcourse). Besides that, I didnt took my profit there like u did.

And after all, I didnt get mad when some1 reported that bug. I guess I don't have to show SS of it to remind u about it.

So pls don't act like u're saint....


Lol Jo, don't make me laught.. u was there b4 me... but well If u wanna blame me for that.. come on do it.. i'll let you be happy.

But don't deffend something that is wrong and you know it ;)


Why we don't wait for Wartale to reply instead of blamming everyone? Cuz the only ones blamming here are you and Yourmama. Just relax... be happy

And ofc I'm not a Saint... everyone knows I'm Evil Cuz Once I abused a bug... I think I deserve perm Ban for that!! :P haha



We stopped with the uc bug after Wartale told us too... and no one got punished ...


Did sandurr tell us to stop abusing this  SOD "bug" ,,, no ?!.


Did he read the topic yet?..

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Guest TFSE

Okay stop saying we should punish who and who should not.

We're not try to find out who's guilty as charged or who did abused bug in the past.(If you want to flame somebody go and make your own thread)


The purpose of thread is change the rules and enforce it.




Guys, are we really all that childish? Stop throwing Clan names and char names out there in your posts. Stop flaming.


discuss a renewal of the rules, not who abused bugs or whatnot. If you can't do that then don't post.

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use of program hacker boot and permanent Ban!

Abuse Bugs Ban this as a minimum of 15 days


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I would like to point out 2 problems with the currently rules.


-Enforcement,everyone living under the same rules

The rule must enforced to donors non-donors,staff non-staff,famous non-famous people.Everyone need to obey the same rules.

Its no use to tell most people to obey the rules while some people got privilege not to.This is leading to anarchy as some people even try to legalize bug.


Remove this Staff reserves the right to punish a player for any reason, not just those described here, if they see fit. Although this is not used very often

Enforce the rules to everyone without any exception according to the rules not to staff.


-Heavy punishment,the rules valued as their punishment without it the rules mean nothing.

I'll start for simple case KSing the ksing case is extremely rampage and common here but do not ignored it as the fact its common it doesnt mean its legal to do.

Why its so common here ? Because we got feather soft punishment for it.

Here is currently punishment for KS.


Minimum Punishment: Warn

Maximum Punishment: 1-Day Ban


Warn ? does it even consider as punishment ? Not at all and when you thinking the fact you have to take at least 2 screenshots or more to report its not worth it.

The maximum punishment just a day ban.Here is the reason why no one obey the rules because the rules valued as their punishment.


To fix this


Minimum Punishment: 3 Days Ban

Maximum Punishment: 1 Week Ban


Is it too much for KSing ? No because before GM can take an action on KS case you will need solid evidences for that,one screenshot or just words doesnt enough.

Of coruse I dont mean to only KS case but to all actions that against the rules.


Dont considered it as little thing because this little thing leading as abusing bugs marco as we know today.

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I really want to see some feedback on this from GMs.


The topic has been created for 3 days already and yet no any reply or feedback from any GMs.

Just give your opinion that you agree or disagree with it.


I'm willing to discuss about it with you.

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Guest TFSE

While I see your point on the fact that the amount of work needed to make a KSing report is not the equivalent of its punishment, it is a method to deter people from reporting every little problem to the staff. These little things could, and should be resolved in game.


The staff are not baby-sitters; and we do not like treating people like they are children.


In regards to the hacking, botting etc. Personally I'm a more of a believer in clemency. Repeat offense, sure, perm ban. But I don't like the idea of a perm ban the first time. There are appeals for forgiveness. People are sorry, people can change.


rPT is not some dictatorship, after all.

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I can see your point of view to ksing case.

However I would like to point some facts in this


-Why thats so many KSing problems occured ?


I believed because the rules was not enforced,people keep ksing more and more because feather light punishment,then the reporting cases increasing greatly because nobody feared the rule.Try to think in reserve if KSing case was 3 day ban minimal nobody will commit KSing anymore mean less KS reports to deal with for you too.


-Staff are not baby sitters


Yes people are not children but try to look in real world perspective.There's no such things such as moral or guideline everyone depend on the rules and everybody will exploited everything from it and those people are mature.You cant expected they to be good without rules they will simply take advantage over others.Rules and laws existed to protect people from those who taking advantage from them.


Like I said before if you cant keep the simplest rules you cant keep anything.The currently state ofwtalready prove that.


- There are appeals for forgiveness. People are sorry, people can change.


Did you know before they can recived their forgiveness they must paid for their crime first ? People will only change when they got catched or in trouble.I never see anyone that come out and said "I was wrong I'm sorry"

What was happened is they got up in the conner with unavoiding evidences and then they said sorry or else they will never admit it or some just said "because everyone else did so I do it too" in the progress try to legalize it.


-rPT is not some dictatorship, after all.


Yes thats why we having this poll,and the poll clearly show that people want "Yes the rules need to be change (No mercy for hackers, botters, scammers Heavy punishment for lighter cheats)"

This is not dictatorship its clearly democracy people vote what they want.

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Guest TFSE

I think there might have been some misunderstanding.


For the KSing cases; having light punishments does not mean the rules are not enforced. We process KSing cases. We enforce the rules. Are the punishments "not enough"? Maybe. But we keep a record of offenses made, and if there is a repeat offense, the punishment becomes heavier; regardless of what the maximum punishment is.


From my understanding, the maximum punishment sentences are for first time offenders. The records show that nearly all of KSers are first time offenders, and has not had a repeat offense.


As of now, there has only been a few (less than 5) repeat KS offenders and they have had punishments more severe than if they were first time offenders. Now, punishments are not made public, and neither is the punishment record. So whether you believe me or not is up to you.



Now to address the "people can change" deal.


If somebody comes back to be forgiven after being punished; why shouldn't they be given a second chance? I think they should.

But, (and here is where I think you misunderstood me) if there is a repeat offense, then yes, perm ban. No mercy, no excuses.


This gives people the choice to play the game again, fairly. If anything, they deserve that much.

By dictatorship I meant that the server should not rule by fear. But your point about the majority wanting more severe punishments is noted.



That is my explanation. I am not here to change your view, nor anyone else's. But I hope you can at least understand.

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Remove this Staff reserves the right to punish a player for any reason, not just those described here, if they see fit. Although this is not used very often

Enforce the rules to everyone without any exception according to the rules not to staff.


No, almost cases are unique and needs to be treated that way. This note is not used for exception. It's used to give out lighter or heavier punishment depending on certain circumstances (e.g number of infractions, how much he / she benefit from using a hack tool for example)


Perm banning people is not our way of threating rule offenders, we believe everyone can change if they are given a second chance . Many rule offenders do their first infraction at low level and by not giving out a to harsh punishment he might become a good, fair player at higher level - atleast thats what I want to believe.


Give them the chance to change and remember it's all depending on how much "damage" the player does or how much the player benefit from his actions that counts in when we set the ban.


I hope it didn't get to messy.

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I think they talk about people that already got their second chance and didn't change. There are few cases, just like that...

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Thank you for expressing your opinion.

Yes I understand your point of view and I hope you do understand mine too as I explained reasons behind it.


However I want to pointed a fact that ksing is still a problem that still rampage here and it cant be avoid the fact that because the rules punishment is feather soft.

I stand still for heavier punishment for light offenders.


-By dictatorship I meant that the server should not rule by fear

Rule by fear doesnt mean enforce the rules and punishment,rule by fear mean people afraid to criticism their government or their leader.(Such as in north korea if you talk negative about Kim Jong-il you're dead)


-No, almost cases are unique and needs to be treated that way. This note is not used for exception. It's used to give out lighter or heavier punishment depending on certain circumstances (e.g number of infractions, how much he / she benefit from using a hack tool for example)

I'm disagreed with this if you put it this way there's no need for any rules.Everything depend on staff what happened ?  if those who commited it got relationship with staff or they're donors ? Staff can just say okay no punish for you.


I'll give example how this suppose to work


Kill Stealing (KS)

KSing once or twice will not be punished, if you however KS another player continuously it is not tolerated


Minimum Punishment: 3-Day Ban

Maximum Punishment: 1-Week Ban


If someone proven that KSed then they must be punish between 3 days-1 week.That's how its work no need for special note.


-Second chance and people can change deal

You must understand that before they can get that second chance they must paid for their crime first for example if somebody gained gold from SOD bug GM must take all gold that he gained from abusing bugs or if somebody marco from lv 120 to lv 130 then that someone must deleveled to 120 not saying like I'm sorry then nothing done that would extremely unfair for those who followed the rules.Remind this is not punnishment its just only a step for their forgiveness.


Please take a look at the poll and you can clearly see what people think.


Edit : Make the rules more clear maybe better like this.


Kill Stealing (KS)

KSing once or twice will not be punished, if you however KS another player continuously it is not tolerated


1st time punishment : 3-Day Ban

2rd time punishment : 5-Day Ban

3rd time punishment : 7-Day Ban

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I thing GM possivel to regras of PT. cannot enjoy rpt if ban  :o

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However I would like to add a comment about clemency mercy and second chance.


While I see those as a good thing but you can not use them to rule such a community such as rPT.

Those will only work in very small scale community such as family and school,whilewtis a big community and more complicated with various nationals and languages.It need to use enforcement and rules to govern the community.


What if you apply second chance for everyone in a big community ? The result is anarchy where only stronger survived and that is the currently state of rPT.(If you got ksed then ks back if you're too weak then find new spawn,if someone using bug then you do it too)

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It has been 7 days since the thread was made.

7 days of discussing and voting.


The result is majority of the comumunity want the rules change into no mercy for hackers, botters, scammers ,heavy punishment for lighter cheats.

I believed staff listen to the community and already discussed about this.


The questiones are


-How GMs changing the rules ?

-Will we have more clear rules such as punishment for 1st 2nd and 3rd times ?  for exmaple like this.


Kill Stealing (KS)

KSing once or twice will not be punished, if you however KS another player continuously it is not tolerated


1st time punishment : 3-Day Ban

2rd time punishment : 5-Day Ban

3rd time punishment : 7-Day Ban


-Removing of special note since we dont need it and enforce rules to everyone equally ?

-We will punish people according to rules not to staff ?

-No mercy means no unbanned for those who use hack bot macro scammers ?

-Whats actions for bug abusers ?

-How GMs going to take actions about light offenders ? (KS,bad language etc)

-Define what's cheating ? as this word imply unclear


Please do reply I believe majority of community waiting for your answer thank you.

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Whats the meaning of this ? 5 Days passed and not a single reply nor any action from GMs.


Do the community have to understand that GMs deliberately ignored the majority voices ?

Do the community have to understand that GMs purposely made the rule exception for privilege people ?

Do the community have to understand that GMs is running the server by dictatorship ?!

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Hi sorry I been very busy restoring stuff, I will take a look at this soon, hang on there

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i guess that the rules about ks and fake report should be more several too.

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i guess that the rules about ks and fake report should be more several too.

yeah there are no rules about fake report at the moment... i think we need that, too.

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Okay if more concrete rules is what you want then we will come up with more clear punishments.

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First thing this is what people want

Yes the rules need to be change (No mercy for hackers, botters, scammers Heavy punishment for lighter cheats)


Second more clear by punish by rules not by staff

For example like this

Kill Stealing (KS)

KSing once or twice will not be punished, if you however KS another player continuously it is not tolerated


1st time punishment : 3-Day Ban

2rd time punishment : 5-Day Ban

3rd time punishment : 7-Day Ban


Third remove special note we enforce the rules to everyone equally no privilege

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1 and 2 okay I guess. 3, no. Some cases requires special attention as I explained in a previous post.

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