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Coin Converter, Party Level and Exp Calculator Tool

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Hi guys!


I proudly presents my Multiple RPT Tool! It is my first college project, so I wanted to created something useful for me and all of you!


The tool is very easy to use. It has the following: Party Level Calculator, Exping Calculator, Coin Converter.



Party Level Calculator!




How to use:


Click on "Party" tab. Just type the level of the player of your party. Hit TAB to type the next player level. You can also manually click on the player level. As you type the levels, the Party Level will be automatically calculated, and it will display the maximum level of the incomming player.


If the party is Full, the Next Player will indicate how many levels are left before reaching the Exp Penalty Range.


By default, the Party Level Calculator will calculate the Party Level and Level Difference for Death Island Party Quest (DIQ), that is 132. You can also set another Quest Level, so you can calculate the Party Level for other quests, like CT3 or the new Secret Lab Party Quests!


As an Extra, you can edit "Player X" to whatever name you want. Also, when the PArty Level of said player is 0, it will count as if the player is NOT on the party, thus, making the Party Level calculation based on the number of Party Members currently on the party.



Exping Calculator




Click on "Friend" tab. This Calculator helps you to calculate how much Exp you've earned in whatever aumont of time you want! No more taking screenshots, then manually doing the math. Just type your Initial Exp value, then, hit START, and do a lot of exping!


After you've done with your exping, hit STOP and then type your current exp value on Current Exp. It will show automatically how much exp you did in said aumont of time! For example, 13512, means you've gained 13BI and 512M of Exp!



Coin Converter




Click on "Clan" tab. Want to easily and quick calculate how much your Gold is worth in Coins? Or, how much your precious coins are worth in Gold? On the Gold field, type the aumont of Gold you have. The Coin field will automatically calculate how much that aumont of Gold is worth in Coins! Typing on the Coin field, will do the same, however, it will calculate how much your aumont of Coins is worth in Gold.


By default, the calculation uses the value of 1 GB (500KK of Gold) is equal 1000 (1KC) Coins. You can change the base price value of both, for example, you can set 500KK and a base price of 750coins for these 500KK of Gold.



Download Link





Any suggestion or glitches, please post it here! Thanks.




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Cool, congratz bro :) Next time make in web, is better for players i think


I still don't know how to dev for web, i'll have php class next year. Untill that, i can't launch it for web D:




Hm, thanks for reporting, i've fixed that. It doesnt need try catch, the mistake was Int parsing, while the variable is Long type.

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