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diego drian

Quest Daily of 132 in ironcore?

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diego drian


Because there is not this kind of daily quest, it would help the players who can not form party in DIQ . There are some prediction to create a daily quest 132 in ironcore ?

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Dont waste time in iron core, thank me later.

Don't really have a choice when the only people doing DIQ are the same few (2-3) mechs that ignore any and all PMs from mages. I've tried pming as lure and they still don't accept me in party, despite the rest of the party agreeing that it would be okay for a mgs to join. It's really stupid and essentially virtual racism. If i try to join as killer, it's even worse: "sry mago dame too low", even with a sol force on a sol vigor mixed 134 staff.


Thats a real problem. Nowadays, the only characters with any chance of DIQ slots are: mechs, priests, knights and shamans. Others classes deserve something different.

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may i know how to do daily quest for ancient dung? how to get the daily quest?

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Because there is not this kind of daily quest, it would help the players who can not form party in DIQ . There are some prediction to create a daily quest 132 in ironcore ?

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oh hey


I've suggested this twice and got no answer so far, lmao.

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Please make a daily quest for Iron Core, it will help so many players who quit after lvl 132 because they are stuck at 132

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+1 nice suggestion. Many players are quitting or playing with classes where they do not even like.

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