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Only 1 drop with 3eye activated

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I'm hunting in SL and i realised that some mobs i kill only drop 1 item and i'm with 3eye activated, is that normal or some bug?

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3eyes on = 25% chance additional drop is air too.


X2 drop event = x2 chance to drop air.

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3eyes on = 25% chance additional drop is air too.


X2 drop event = x2 chance to drop air.

what? 3eye dont have a percentage of drop.


3eye on = 1 aditional drop, simple like that

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3eyes on = 25% chance additional drop is air too.


X2 drop event = x2 chance to drop air.

what? 3eye dont have a percentage of drop.


3eye on = 1 aditional drop, simple like that

Yea, and air has the highest drop %. Meaning using a 3rd eye gives you the highest chance to get an additional air drop.

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we have x2 drop event on?


Only hopy event now. Still kinda far from 8k likes in fb  :(

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3 eye need to give 1 aditional drop...

It does, with the possibility of that additional drop being nothing (air).

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3 eye need to give 1 aditional drop...

It does, with the possibility of that additional drop being nothing (air).


Exacly. "Air" is the most common drop, therefore, u can normally drop an aditional air with 3eye.

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