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Moon hunter bugged?

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I bought a Moon Hunter and was to one aleatory exp map at night but no1 Mini Monster was summoned, maybe am I doing something wrong?

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Baba o Moon Hunter só funciona nas florestas de philai. Vai para road to the wind

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Baba o Moon Hunter só funciona nas florestas de philai. Vai para road to the wind

Fui na ideia de quem? -24- né, falou que o melhor mapa é la em MD1 e nao sei oq -,-


dois noob, ele noob me passou informação errada, e eu noob que acreditei '-'

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You can use in old maps like Ice 1, iron 1, 2, etc.

But you can't use in exp maps like md 1,2,3, FT, etc.


Hope its helps.


Cya.  :)

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