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There will release the EP in the future?

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I wonder if these 15 EP will be released in the future,

or will remain 15 EP for each player.

Why do so many people ask me about it, the more I'm not sure if this feature will be fixed or is temporary.


Sorry for my bad english, hope you understand more.

Thx :D

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i dont get what your pointing at


but what so ever the feature is fixed and i gues a quest will be made to add more points

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I think he asks if the 15 EP points that are currectly missing will be fixed or something

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I think he asks if the 15 EP points that are currectly missing will be fixed or something


Yes, I wonder if the 15 EP will be fixed, or can be released one day.


"realeased or Enabled"


Please only respond if you are unsure.

(What I find a little difficult, since we are at the beginning of the server.)

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i dont miss those points at all.. also its a way to get things balanced, I mean... each person will make ur own build.

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i dont miss those points at all.. also its a way to get things balanced, I mean... each person will make ur own build.


Não é totalmente isso que eu quero saber shk, eu queria ganhar a informação, para saber realmente, se estes nossos 15 Pontos de EP que temos, vão ficar fixos, ou se vão ser liberados, qualquer dia, por que sabemos, que a nova tier esta vindo ai, e talvez, eles possam ser liberados, mais tem muita gente me perguntando isso, mais eu não tenho certeza, e eu acho que ninguem tem esta certeza. ;)

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i dont miss those points at all.. also its a way to get things balanced, I mean... each person will make ur own build.


lol those points are needed.. its annoying to change ur build every week specialy for bc

and then waste ur whole day training it

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