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Questions for comeback !!!!

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It's been a long time since i quited RPT, so here are my questions  ;D ;D ;D


1.Is LS of K9 powerful or it's just trash like oldtime ?

2.Can shaman, FT hunt ?

3.How Mech can up lvl from 100-120 ?

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Hi huynhtac90,


1. It's powerful, perhaps the best AoE skill in-game at the moment.

2. Any character can hunt, but if you meant to ask if Shaman is very strong at it, he's good, but his best role is EXPing (AoE damage).

3. Either go tank build or spark build and do the party quests and daily quests from battle town and train in those maps. At level 100 you unlock a PQ called Pirate's Revenge, so you should gather some friends and give it a try! http://www.realmpt.net/quest/100h :)


Welcome back!

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about LS, can i replace it with Brandish as my main AOE killing skill if i max it ? so that i can spend points on other skills ?


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ok tks so much


and more. does God's Bless stack with Holy Valor ? should i up Drastic Spirits or it's just trash ?

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God Bless stacks with everything.


Holy Body/Valor and Drastic Spirit that doesnt stack with each other.



Drastc Spirit is more of a PvP focused skill. In PvE it doesnt make much of a difference, but in PvP, those extra defense could be really helpful.






And Piercing to me, is way better than Brandish, just need proper constant positioning. Dont forget to level up Physical Training passive to 10, so you can use Lightning Sword for its full 8 seconds without buying SP Down.

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God Bless stacks with everything.


Holy Body/Valor and Drastic Spirit that doesnt stack with each other.



Drastc Spirit is more of a PvP focused skill. In PvE it doesnt make much of a difference, but in PvP, those extra defense could be really helpful.






And Piercing to me, is way better than Brandish, just need proper constant positioning. Dont forget to level up Physical Training passive to 10, so you can use Lightning Sword for its full 8 seconds without buying SP Down.


so what should i up in tier 1-3 for exp/hunt ?

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