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Holy Valor ?????????????????????

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Does Holy Valor increase damage against all types of monsters or just undead like oldtimes ?

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only undead, only 1vs1, no area.



It works only against undead, and works with area and 1 on 1 skills.

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only undead, only 1vs1, no area.



It works only against undead, and works with area and 1 on 1 skills.


No work area...

Just come DI, ks dont use HV, because no works area.

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so what should i up from tier 1-3 ?


and more: ks use brandish or SoJ ?

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Holy Valor ONLY works with 1v1 skills AND against undead.



Period. Do not use/ask for Holy Valor if youre using AoE attacks.




As for Knight AoE skills, Piercing is the best one so far. It casts faster than Brandish, and almost 2 times faster than Sword of Justice.  Also it has double damage against mutants. However you need to position yourself to hit all monsters in a straight line.


Piercing vs Brandish is more of a situational scenario. Brandish is easier to use. Piercing  deals more damage but requires aiming and might miss some mobs if not aimed correctly.


Against mutants, Piercing is even stronger than main Knight 1v1 skills like Grand Cross. I would definitely go for Piercing instead of Brandish.

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listen to that darklink guy, dude's a knight expert.


Brandish is easier to land though.


the site skill page needs to be updated, holy valor is still the aoe buff and lightning sword unnerfed.

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i can see that the patch said that holy valor now works with all mobs . i've tried it myself . tho it can't be too different but actually help me kill faster than normal

not sure about that AOE thing but for sure Piercing is definately one of the best skill of ks i can use it to hunt and training faster than brandish for sure

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so Holy Valor actually works with all mobs ?


And should i give up Brandish or still use it ?


What about LS, too ?

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so Holy Valor actually works with all mobs ?


And should i give up Brandish or still use it ?


What about LS, too ?


definately go with LS all the way best for hunting and xping


maybe i'll make a video about holy valor effect for all of us to watch

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so if it works with all types of mobs, does it work with AOE skills ?

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so if it works with all types of mobs, does it work with AOE skills ?


not so sure but definately works with piercing


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i'm w8ting for ur video bro  ;D


probably couple days later cuz i have a lot of test coming up

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