CurbYourenthUsiasm 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 So I was thinking aboutwtand classes... and then about balancing... and I came to my own personal conclusion that things do indeed need to change, lol! Now I know Wartale has always tried to do a lot to skill balance and class balance but in the end people still have their complaints and suggestions, which is normal... I got to thinking though and classes really shouldn't be balanced... they are not meant to be. What I mean by this is... take mechs for example... they are meant to be tankers, yeah they have the versatilaty to go a few different routes for different builds but what they are meant to excell at is tanking... so no other class should really be able to tank as well as them... As for me, I've been playing PT since pre morion... and have always been more of a pike player. I know what I'm getting myself into by playing a pike... these days pikes are meant to have average tanking ability, above average aoe, below average support abilities, and excellent 1 vs 1 skills... With that being said, of course a persons lvl, gears, and personal build all effect how they are... in the end fully equipped every class should come out a bit differently... What I'm getting down to is that with these skill adjustments and whatnot the dynamics of classes are changing... now don't get me wrong, I'm not a complainer, however... knights are a great example of this. I say that because lately knights are a handful and a half... they are amazing tankers that can kill easily these days in pvp... as much so that I saw a 12x pike ask for a trade to become a knight for those obvious reasons. I think that they are more formidable than power mechs (strong power mechs with the bugged ES... make a mistake against them and you're capoted)... moreso because they have an extra powerful option for pvp. But like I said, its not to complain or witch hunt against knights, I think lots of stuff needs to happen to have the characters of this game how they are meant to really be... t5 is exciting and another way to go about restoring the characters dynamics... but we should do something before t5 too Anyways, hope I didn't lose anybody... read and react, but please don't flame Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aydinerkan 1 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 idk whats wrong with mechs but there is something srsly wrong at pvp its nearly impossible to kill a 12x with power build and i still get owned super easy (even with ''tanking'' skills) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 I might agree with both posts up here ^ it's pretty frustrating Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 Remember that there are different formulas for PvE and PvP. Both aspects are important. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 Remember that there are different formulas for PvE and PvP. Both aspects are important. Over than 4k def and something around 300 abs should be better than anything less than it, right? But that don't happen, at least not in PvP Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 I was not saying that your statements were wrong. I only ask you to consider both aspects when posting as it brings much more clairity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 Differences between PvE and PvP formulas are masking some bugs, I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mercury 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 And thats exactly why I asked all of you to consider both aspects Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 And that's what I say all time .-. I believe the high defense of mechs is hiding their deficiences due to bugs on abs while on PvE, but as defense is less effective on PvP we get fked up D: And knights are bugged. Their shield skills are more powerful than they show on their description, and they keep working with 2h Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 I prefer to take much of the tanking route of mech myself, however I think it is a misconception to say "Mechs are meant to be tankers", a standard set by those of us back in ancient days of PT. I'm not going to argue against you or Gogg that mech skills might be bugged and need to work properly, that's a different issue. I just want to clear up what I see as a misconception. -Mechs were originally tankers because thats mainly what their first tier consisted of, and a lack of ability among other classes to tank created a need for tankers in the early days of PT. However, this is not the early days of PT anymore. Many more skills have come and huge advances in items allowed many other classes to tank. I'm pretty sure if you go that far back, you will remember how tier3 DRASTICALLY changed the game. [Mages suddenly had godmode and insane AOE power, prs got VL, melee classes got generic strong 1 v 1 skills (CL, GC, etc.)]. These are clearly not the same times anymore. Mech has to me, become actually the most versatile with class roles. This is the role they got as the times changed, no longer maintaining the tank role of days past. As more tiers have been released [as well as the upcoming I believe], there are many options available to mech that weren't back when they only had 4 skills. Mechs can become ranged with skills like automation, AoE with steady defenses via spark mech, go all out power mech with maximize for damage, or become a tanker with skills like PA to absorb all the damage for the party. Make sure that if you argue saying something is not fair to the mech class, that you realize tank mechs only represent a portion of the mech class and not all. Your opinion makes it sound like mechs tank abilities should increase at the cost of some of these alternative routes, which I'm sure your own class would dispute. Thus, you can't argue for the mech class on such grounds because you don't represent them fully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CurbYourenthUsiasm 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 I agree that I cannot represent mechs, however I did mention that mechs are versatile yet I merely pointed out their true build... tanking. Now you can say they can become many things but when you consider all things... it is what a class truely stands out in that they are meant to be... What I mean is mechs can be auto mechs, right? But in comparison with an archer they severly lack... because archers skills are range specific and they have ranged skills... mechs can just pop on automation and attack. And sure, you can make a devastating power mech (high tanking ability mixed with ability to kill in pvp) but even then you still lack what the true pvp power classes have... a 1 shot kill attack. Know why? You're not meant to have them, that's why, lmao! Now to what I was saying is... atm knights can out tank all other classes, mech and mage alike... and can kill if not better, then as well as the classes that are meant to stand out in pvp. So when you pick classes you should know the benefits/weaknesses and go with it. Take atas for example... if I fight one I know they can't kill me in one hit... but if they freeze my ass, stun me, keep their distance and spam attack, then I know if I don't pot Ill probably kiss the floor... Now if you think about knights... benefits vs weaknesses... maybe their only weakness is that their buffs don't last forever, lmao! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 Mech is all based on tank, don't matter the build you follow unless it's spark one. Building a tanker mech you try to maximize the tank powers from the best tanking skills around. If you go for power mech you'll seek for a decent damage... you'll deal less damage than others, but you will tank more than them too. And if you go up to auto mech you damage less than an ata or archer, but tank way better than them too. In the end, no matter what build you follow, mech need its tanking powers because thats what balance them on the game Mechs ARE meant to be tankers. They got the best tanking skills (at least that what they should be) and every build they use need those skills As stated here knights are overpowered. They got bugged skills that bring them huge tanking powers, even with the worst meele weapons (swords) and a weak meele skill like GC they deal with big damage Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CurbYourenthUsiasm 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 Mechs are definitely broken... tank mechs usually are so hard to take down that you would simply not bother attacking them in pvp... probably also didn't care cause you knew they couldn't kill you either lol! Power mechs are a bit different... as they are a bitch and a half to kill and if you miss a pot against them you're capoted... Knights are just frustrating atm because they are like a powermech used to be but better... can tank better and can sure as hell kill better. Just funny how I can see a knight with 2 handers tanking PTs "most dangerous" pvp classes and coming out on top... what's the point in having "1 shot" skills if they can barely make a dent? Lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gogg 3 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 True. As I can see the meele classes should be something like: fighters with huge power and low tanking, pikes with deadly KO combo skills, but they miss a lot, mechs would suck in damage compared to others, but with high tanking and knights would be something good at all, but not the best at all. But they overtank everyone, damage like fighters, don't miss that much... so far they just didn't have a KO skill combo >__> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zero 0 Report post Posted November 15, 2010 What I mean is mechs can be auto mechs, right? But in comparison with an archer they severly lack... because archers skills are range specific and they have ranged skills... mechs can just pop on automation and attack. And sure, you can make a devastating power mech (high tanking ability mixed with ability to kill in pvp) but even then you still lack what the true pvp power classes have... a 1 shot kill attack. Know why? You're not meant to have them, that's why, lmao! If thats your line of logic, then here is a rather difficult situation for you to answer. If you're not meant to have something if you're not the best at it, then how do you explain the archer class? Ata is essentially a 1 handed archer, which means added tanking capabilities in addition to everything AS does. Archers don't excel at being the best archer, so then how do you classify that? I can kind of see where gogg is coming from that tanking may play a role regardless of mech build, but when I referred to "tank mech" i meant the build itself, not tanking in general. That simply meant that not all types of mech builds may see your same difficulties or complaints. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites