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S>T> ps 135 semi full

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Trade ps 135 semi full for ata 134+ naked, or 132+ full, trade for fs, ks 132+ full

sell ps, pm ofers

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116 Brac BBM

120 Gaunt BOM

124 Boots BOM

134 Scythe BSM

132 Amor BOM

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Interessa trocar numa ata 131 42%?


2 Lanças 130 ( 1 mix sap swiftness outra mix oredo)

Summer ata mix sap vit

Armor 124 mix oredo

Luva 128 bsm vit

Brace 128 bsm dext

Bota 128 oredo vel

Kel mix oredo

Val mix oredo

Escudo 128 mix oredo (Possui mais um escudo 124 na conta mix enigma)

XP UP Ativa + 14:30h

Nick: -Angel-



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Interessa trocar numa ata 131 42%?


2 Lanças 130 ( 1 mix sap swiftness outra mix oredo)

Summer ata mix sap vit

Armor 124 mix oredo

Luva 128 bsm vit

Brace 128 bsm dext

Bota 128 oredo vel

Kel mix oredo

Val mix oredo

Escudo 128 mix oredo (Possui mais um escudo 124 na conta mix enigma)

XP UP Ativa + 14:30h

Nick: -Angel-


pm: PikeMalo

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Archer 128 :


Tulla bom

Valento ring bom

Valento ring bom

Bow 126 bom

Armor 128 clean

Brac 128 clean

Boots 128 clean

Gaunt 128 clean

Bow 122 clean

Shield 120 clean



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