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Does anyone know how the element stat (fire/ice/poison..etc) work?

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It is elemental resistance.




If you have 50 Ice Resistance, slowing effects from ice skills like Pike's Ground Pike, will have its duration halved. It is also supposed to cut in half the movement speed decrease (for example, if it reduces 20% of speed, it is supposed to reduce only 10%, but this is not confirmed).



The same goes for stun. If you have 75 Light resistance, and someone cast Roar on you, the time you'll be stunned is just 1/4 of the intended stun duration.



Fire / Poison damage/duration is also reduced. If you receive A 1000 Fire damage, and have 50 Fire Resist, you will reduce 50% of its damage.


Organic Damage is also the same formula. Some skills effects / chance of sucess is reduced by organic resistance.


Knight holy Incantation % of sucess is reduced by the target Organic Resistance (or it was, i'm not sure if Wartale removed this resistance).

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I think it's something that has not been finalized, just like many other things. Because priston tale 2...

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I think it's something that has not been finalized, just like many other things. Because priston tale 2...


It IS finalized and works as expected. Nothing related to Priston Tale 2.



You can clearly see a difference in stun time when youre naked with 0 resistance, and when youre geared up with resistance.

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