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new weapons in game already?

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How u got this screenshot?

Everyone can join test server?  ???

From Wartale, and no, no one can join the test server.

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Draxos just dropped 138 staff (3 handed, need 2 players to use).... all go hunt next one

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1hand items make the game unbalanced, except for these classes that just have one hand items as option, like atalanta mech etc.


Case you give a weapon 1 handed to some classes like Knight Fighter Archer and more, it will be op as fuck and then rip other classes.


Just remember what happened to 122 items  :(

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I'm also dissapointed that new weapons are 1 handed.


This will break the balance a lot. Unless it is just a small damage upgrade from current 122 weapons.

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Guest -Linh-

I'm also dissapointed that new weapons are 1 handed.


This will break the balance a lot. Unless it is just a small damage upgrade from current 122 weapons.


I glad the new weapon for pri and mage is 1h because sick of the crystal wand already.

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I'm also dissapointed that new weapons are 1 handed.


This will break the balance a lot. Unless it is just a small damage upgrade from current 122 weapons.


I glad the new weapon for pri and mage is 1h because sick of the crystal wand already.


It's not just Mages and Priestess that are stuck with 122 1 Hand weapons.



Sticking with 2 Hand weapons are quite risky. The absence of Shields / Orbs reduces a lot the tanking power of a character. However, when wearing both Shield/Orbs, a character begins to tank a lot, due to extremely high block / defense values.


There is no "between" value. You either tank a lot, or you can't tank at all.




Giving a stronger 1 hand weapon, there will be little to no point into using 2 handed weapons. Why take the risk of instantly dying without a shield, if you can deal a high damage with 1 hand weapons?



Both Fighters and Mechanicians are a perfect example for that scenario. A Fighter is extremely well capable of getting kills with just 1 hand axe, and he tanks a lot with a shield, much more worth than using 2 Hand Axes. Why give him more power when going 1 hand + shield?


The same goes for Mechanics, they have a exclusive, 1 handed weapon that got much better status than other 122 weapons. A Mechanic with claw can still kill with 2 hits while being almost imortal, wearing a shield.





In my humble opinion, Atalantas and Shamans should receive 2 handed weapons. They are balanced to have a good damage using their main, 1 handed weapon, that allows them to use Shields/Orbs.


The result is - they can still kill people while tanking extremely well thanks to high Block/Def/Evade.




What makes people die is when they go for 2 hand, trying to deal a higher damage. If everyone just keep at 1 hand, its the most boring thing ever, you can't kill because you cant die thanks to shields/orbs.




The imbalance of 1hand/shield is so strong, people only uses 2 Handed weapons when they have someone tanking for them, like a tank mech, a pet, or many players vs a single one on PvP.


When youre alone, be either PvE or PvP, people is much more likely to be using 1 hand weapons. Here is your necessity to allow mages/priestess to use new 1 hand weapons, because orbs make you immortal, allowing, easy, boring, macro based gameplay.

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I'm also dissapointed that new weapons are 1 handed.


This will break the balance a lot. Unless it is just a small damage upgrade from current 122 weapons.


I glad the new weapon for pri and mage is 1h because sick of the crystal wand already.



In my humble opinion, Atalantas and Shamans should receive 2 handed weapons. They are balanced to have a good damage using their main, 1 handed weapon, that allows them to use Shields/Orbs.


The result is - they can still kill people while tanking extremely well thanks to high Block/Def/Evade.



LOL, atalanta good tanker?



I think the one handed weapons will not be stronger like people is thinking something around +5 - +5 to 122 stats.


It would be fun, and good to the game economy.


BUTTTTTT - I also desagree if it comes with a great diference than 122.

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Only the wand and sword is 1 handed, the rest are normal.


Axe 2h

Claw 1h

Bow 2h

Jav 1h

Hammer 2h

Scythe 2h

Dagger 1h (stats are /2 unless you equip 2 daggers)

Phantom 1h


And the wand/sword stats wont be OP, weaker then 126 2 handed sword/staff for sure.

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Why only the sword would be 1 handed? What is the point on it?

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Why only the sword would be 1 handed? What is the point on it?

I wasn't quite sure myself, that is Wartales' call.

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Quote from Kurthot


LOL, atalanta good tanker?



I think the one handed weapons will not be stronger like people is thinking something around +5 - +5 to 122 stats.


It would be fun, and good to the game economy.


BUTTTTTT - I also desagree if it comes with a great diference than 122.





Totally agree !

Me I just don't know why it's not all 1h weap and just 2 class ?!

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Not that really matter to me but, i think the classes are not suposed to hold shild EXCEPT these ones that is their role like Atalanta Mech and MAYBE Knight (cause on lots of games this class have two roles one big two handed sword or shield + sword).


Now think how nice the game would be with just these class using shield, ofc after a balance ::)



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