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GM's views or stand on Exp service.

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I notice there are people who offer to level your character, for a px of course.  Just like to know what the GM's views are on this as I am aware of the risk involved in handing over accounts.  If this has been discussed, please direct me to the thread.




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I notice there are people who offer to level your character, for a px of course.  Just like to know what the GM's views are on this as I am aware of the risk involved in handing over accounts.  If this has been discussed, please direct me to the thread.





it is legal, but u should create a topic always

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Create a topic in the correct area ( Sell>Others ) and relax, XP Service's legal, BUT always create  a topic.

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Create a topic in the correct area ( Sell>Others ) and relax, XP Service's legal, BUT always create  a topic.


Noted and thks for the info guys!

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