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How does defense work?

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I believe Defense works like that

Each 1 point will decrease the incoming damage for 0.01%, is the first damage barrier alongside the resistances and absorb.

When u reach 100 defense u get a 1% damage reduction and so on.

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I think defense works this way, the monster have 1000 attack rating, u have 2000 defense, so u have 50% chance to defense the hit, when u defense a hit is like a block, u receive no damage.

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Each Defense point equals 0.01 Absorption.



Also, [Defend] voids the damage from single target attacks. The chance of Defending an attack is based on target Attack Rating.


If Attack Rating and Defense are equals, there is 0% chance of Defending an attack. I'm not sure if it is correct, but the formula goes something like this:


Defend = (DEF - ATR) / DEF * 100

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