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Returning casual player

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Hi, it's been quite a few years since I last played, a little strange that I would choose to try and return during maintenance, but I guess I'm a little unlucky there, but I used to play a Priestess named Stormprs and I bought a Knight named Devestation, but didn't play him for too long before quitting, starting fresh when the servers are up, but will probably need a casual english speaking guild, I do plan on playing for quite a while.

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Hello there. so first of all you are LUCKY to get back just in maint, because after this maint the game will be brand new like never before.

it is a very big update with a lot of new features.

for a nice english speaking clan you can try us Heretics <--

you only have to be nice person :) and enjoy the game.

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Checking out the forums I thought I was pretty sure I was going to end up in Heretics, I'm sure there may be someone who I know, or at least used to know in Heretics, it's been a long time since I've been around, but this is where I used to play, even if the name of the server is different, it's still the same server, I've recognized a couple names, and used to be on all the time when I last played, I don't know when it was, but I was around a little bit after the name changed to upt, and now the name is different again, that being said, I don't remember too much, but I'm looking forward to this new interface I've seen on the update page as well as just getting back into the game, I'm just wondering when the servers are actually going to be up for me to start playing again

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there was another server, but its history. now we run on this one for awhile. no idea when server comes up but it takes time because they try to make it run as smooth as possible :)


keep in touch when servers go up.

maybe you remember me as Veggeta, a sword fighter. or Caps-Lock

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Veggeta is a familiar name, maybe it's because you played with my brother, he went by OrictheGod I think, or Oric-something else, possibly because I ran into you farming xp in I2 or Forgotten Temple, which was the newest EXP map when I stopped playing, or it could have been from my mom, who I can't remember exactly what she went by, but she played a 2h staff priestess

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