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Siege War Poll

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if there were more GM's


you could make something like this:


GM's defend

and all clans attack


but i voted in original way  ;)

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I voted all clans attack.

Because I think it is impossible to find a fair abs of valhalla for defenders and attackers.

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You can NOT change this... for many reasons ^^


BC holders have the toughest task in all of the PT world... successfully defending the castle against the ENTIRE server! There is so much more gratification and respect for a clan that can defend ^^ If a clan can defend, it's worthy of that crown above their head!

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BC clan defend, or it'll be always the same guild, or the 2 same ( you know which one i'm talking about) to win it (even if it the case), i mean if BC champion aren't defending, they could be champion again.. etc..


I'd rather the original way, it's more fun :D


Maybe Defenders should have some other cool buffs during the battle :D

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i like the idea of all clans attacking to win bc. its horrible the way it is now. its boring and it takes way too long. i wasted 2 hrs of exp pot just eariler. IF everyone attacks to win bc, it would take more skill and strategy. PLUS... there wont be any bitching about "oooh he raised abs to help the defending clan.. ohh he lowered abs cause he favors blah blah" but in conclusion, i believe we should always fight for bc instead of defending.

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original mode.


if you put monsters defend, maybe always the same clan will win and wont be funny to the losers.

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if there were more GM's


you could make something like this:


GM's defend

and all clans attack


but i voted in original way  ;)


aha liked the idea

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if there were more GM's


you could make something like this:


GM's defend

and all clans attack


but i voted in original way  ;)


aha liked the idea

And then ppl crying when they lose and say GMs were mainly attacking clan xyz and let clan acb almost untouched...


Imo it would be easy and in same way fair if all clans go for attack but defending BC was also a part of the game.

Im ok with both...

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if there were more GM's


you could make something like this:


GM's defend

and all clans attack


but i voted in original way  ;)


aha liked the idea

And then ppl crying when they lose and say GMs were mainly attacking clan xyz and let clan acb almost untouched...


Imo it would be easy and in same way fair if all clans go for attack but defending BC was also a part of the game.

Im ok with both...

that's another reason why i voted in original way  ;)

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Can we have both or classic mode and something else? Would be nice to try to vary a lil'

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if there were more GM's


you could make something like this:


GM's defend

and all clans attack


but i voted in original way  ;)


aha liked the idea

And then ppl crying when they lose and say GMs were mainly attacking clan xyz and let clan acb almost untouched...


Imo it would be easy and in same way fair if all clans go for attack but defending BC was also a part of the game.

Im ok with both...

thats why use monsters and not GM's

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i remember in upt forum i made a sugg something like this'


this wat i remember wat i had suggested long ago


maby every 1st week of every month monster defs and all clan atk, every other week clan def



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i remember in upt forum i made a sugg something like this'


this wat i remember wat i had suggested long ago


maby every 1st week of every month monster defs and all clan atk, every other week clan def

You make a suggestion for everything. Anyway, all clans attack.

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i remember in upt forum i made a sugg something like this'


this wat i remember wat i had suggested long ago


maby every 1st week of every month monster defs and all clan atk, every other week clan def


I think monsters defending would be really boring very quickly. But change is nice, not all the time though.

I voted original, because of the sole fact, that it gives more "status" if you can hold the castle, while a whole server is trying to take it, as someone else said

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