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Was Cyclone Strike from FS nerfed ?

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Hi guys, i think that skill was nerfed in this update bcoz before that i was able to kill any mob in ice1 with 2-3 Skills use

And now i'm taking about 5-6 with the same items, what do u guys think ?

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Tested Cyclone Strike in Secret Lab (Damage is little slow). But, some enemies die almost at the same time (Need patience for kill all  :-\). Target only monster for kill the rest.


My Axe is 134 mixed and use boss crystal for tank mobs (Used too, Crystal 136 or 140).

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Tested Cyclone Strike in Secret Lab (Damage is little slow). But, some enemies die almost at the same time (Need patience for kill all  :-\). Target only monster for kill the rest.


My Axe is 134 mixed and use boss crystal for tank mobs (Used too, Crystal 136 or 140).


I will test again in Iron2 to ice2 i'm 116 with 1062-1163 dmg with force. I have almost sure that was a nerf


Ty for u patience !


The skill was surely nerfed.

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As a 13x fs, I can see that cyclone was nerfed as well.

At IC the damage dealt to the monsters is way lower than before, and I don't know about the 2nd hit on the marked target.

Also about the Hellions, at Iron Core  the HP of my hellions got down for some reason for almost every time I summoned them, and they were clearly on loot mode. Any1 can check it too?

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FS 136 here

yes in efect, Hellions down hp in iron core :/ fs nerfed :c

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I just hope that was another bug among of many others, because if really was a nerf they ruined another class that could level alone ....

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Tested again in SL with Sol Force + Power UPs.


Finished Undead Quest little fast (Make solo). With Tulla Crystal (Used 2 for tank Mobs and some 13x Crystals)  :o


Cyclone Strike updated  ??? or Crystal influence the Skill  ???

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Tested again in SL with Sol Force + Power UPs.


Finished Undead Quest little fast (Make solo). With Tulla Crystal (Used 2 for tank Mobs and some 13x Crystals)  :o


Cyclone Strike updated  ??? or Crystal influence the Skill  ???


So what exactly is your point? Is it back to normal or better than before the patch?

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Tested again in SL with Sol Force + Power UPs.


Finished Undead Quest little fast (Make solo). With Tulla Crystal (Used 2 for tank Mobs and some 13x Crystals)  :o


Cyclone Strike updated  ??? or Crystal influence the Skill  ???


So what exactly is your point? Is it back to normal or better than before the patch?


Before the patch. Killing mobs very slow (One died and others continue live).


After the patch. All died same time (You need kill only mob for finished the rest).

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It is bugged. Before the patch the 2nd hit on the market target made you kill faster. Now cyclone kills slower, Idk for sure if the damage is reduced, but the 2nd hit on the market target doesn't work.

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FS 13x here. So, its just bugged? It was not intentionally nerfed? Because in the patch note, there aren't anything related to FS nerfed, but Cyclone its clearly doing less dmg than before the patch.

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It seems to be bugged. It only hits the targeted enemy once and not twice ATM.


We will try to get it fixed in the upcoming patch.

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i can answer the question about pets: they always on auto mode, so that's why they lose hp. Fire Elemental of Mage has the some problem

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It seems to be bugged. It only hits the targeted enemy once and not twice ATM.


We will try to get it fixed in the upcoming patch.


Other Skill need investigate is Bone Crash. Sometimes have Delay 1 second.


Tested it with Summer Cloth and have little delay. Without Summer Cloth skill working normal.


Attack speed is problem or skill Swiftness  ???


Note: My skill 100% and Level 10.

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It seems to be bugged. It only hits the targeted enemy once and not twice ATM.


We will try to get it fixed in the upcoming patch.


Other Skill need investigate is Bone Crash. Sometimes have Delay 1 second.


Tested it with Summer Cloth and have little delay. Without Summer Cloth skill working normal.


Attack speed is problem or skill Swiftness  ???


Note: My skill 100% and Level 10.

Both Skills should work fine :)


But what do you mean by it sometimes have delay?

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It seems to be bugged. It only hits the targeted enemy once and not twice ATM.


We will try to get it fixed in the upcoming patch.


Other Skill need investigate is Bone Crash. Sometimes have Delay 1 second.


Tested it with Summer Cloth and have little delay. Without Summer Cloth skill working normal.


Attack speed is problem or skill Swiftness  ???


Note: My skill 100% and Level 10.

Both Skills should work fine :)


But what do you mean by it sometimes have delay?


After use Bone Crash character use normal attack.


It happens..I use Swiftness + Axe 134 (Have attack Speed 8 ) + Summer Clothe (Have attack speed add +1).


Strange it  :-\

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Yea I agree.  The skill delay of AC and BC is clearly going up slower when used.

Also the hp of my hellions are going down at IC when they are clearly on loot mode,  Seems to be a bug too. 

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Tested Bone Crash and Avening Crash in Level 10 with high speed attack (Summer Clothe + Skill).


I use Left mouse button: Skill have little delay

I use Right mouse button: Skill works normal


Problem is Mouse Left Button and high speed attack  :-\

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Tested Bone Crash and Avening Crash in Level 10 with high speed attack (Summer Clothe + Skill).


I use Left mouse button: Skill have little delay

I use Right mouse button: Skill works normal


Problem is Mouse Left Button and high speed attack  :-\


True, i yesterday tested AC with Skill and a SS in a party and get a delay too

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