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Regarding Dormant Talisman

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your picture is just from the proposal thread which is subject to change.


that said i think 99c is pretty pricey and the gold cost is really high too. they'll adjust it over time; right now they're focusing on fixing all the issues with the patch

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Usually people buy/trades account that values between 5kc to 150kc, 99coins is nothing in comparison, plus it gives an security that you'll not be scammed.


But, in my opinion, te Dorman Talisman should be selled for gold, to act as a good Gold Sink feature. (that means, to remove gold from server to keep the economy stable/ reduce inflation)

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Hi darkavathar,


Read the whole topic. :)



Things presented here are always subject to changes as they transition from concept to implementation. Prices and more may be different when this feature is implemented in-game.

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But, in my opinion, te Dorman Talisman should be selled for gold, to act as a good Gold Sink feature. (that means, to remove gold from server to keep the economy stable/ reduce inflation)


May be could have different Talisman according to lvl of the account.

For example:

*For chars lvl 1-132 (could be sell for gold and get from drop also)

*Another for chars lvl 132+ (only available on coin shop)

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Hi darkavathar,


Read the whole topic. :)



Things presented here are always subject to changes as they transition from concept to implementation. Prices and more may be different when this feature is implemented in-game.


Thx ^^

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