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Optimal places for Leveling?

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Hi, I've recently joinedwtand have a lvl 93 pikeman. Currently, I'm following this build:


Str: As much as possible

Spr: 70

Tal: 90

Agi: 80

Health: 25 (base)


I'm wondering if this is optimal for leveling? I've read the other posts that health should be kept at 25, but I'm still thinking if I should put some into it and how much, as I'm kinda having some trouble surviving. Or should my stats be something like (enough str for weapon/armor) then rest to health?


Following Roba's leveling guide in "character strategies - general" section, I tried going to Cursed Temple 1 after I hit 92 and gotten the new spear from the battle town shop, but it's very tough, I can't fight more than 8 mobs at once. Even with 8 mobs, my HP is going down damn fast, like 1 hp per 1 or 2 tornado (1 pot lag and I'm dead). Is this supposed to be normal for pikemen? (my other char is a Mech so no problems on survival) Right now I've 886 defense, and 63 absorb, hence I'm resorted to staying at DS, which doesn't really have a nice leveling speed, which was 1.4%/min @ lvl 92 for me, and it's 'kinda' crowded. So... any experienced pikes care to give me some advice on where to level until 120?


Skill-wise, I should be alright, Weapon Defense/Critical Mastery, CL are maxed, tornado lvl 8, going to max next. EP-wise, I've maxed Vague, but what should I put my points into next? Also, after maxing tornado, what should I add next? (leveling build)


If possible, understandable English would be appreciated, some of the posts have left me rather confused. =S Hopefully, I'll be able to get some answers, if not thanks for reading anyway!

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